Christmas Year One

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'Okay say cheese!'

Kelly held up her phone and snapped a picture of the family. Kai was energetic and hard to keep still and Geonhak had a struggle to just be able to hold him. His little sibling was quiet, dressed in the most holiday themed onesie y/n could find for a baby.

'Wow that one was good. When that prints that will go on the living room wall. Don't forget to send that to me first. Okay Kelly?'

'I'll send this right now because if I don't your husband will be after me for keeping another family picture too long. You know how he likes to keep sentimental things.'

Kelly was lucky he didn't hear that he was too busy making a plate for Kai.

Ham. Pie. More ham. Potatoes. More.... ham?

Y/n: 'Geonhak, wait. He isn't as crazy about meat as you are. Add some carrots or something.'

'No carrots.' Kai whined.
'No vegetables.' He added.

He inherited his dads disliking to the greener foods, it didn't help when Geonhak would tell him he doesn't have to eat them. Y/n would often catch what he said and openly disagree, trying to teach and re-teach how important it was to eat better. Still, he did as told and put on the carrots on his sons plate.

He took the boy and his food to his seat then went to make one for y/n and himself, being more conscious about her preferences this time.

Not long after Christmas dinner started the boy kept asking~

'When do we open presents?' 

'Later.' Y/n said.

'When do we open presents?' 

'Soon.' Geonhak reassured.


'Now we can.' Kelly answered this time instead of his parents and Kai squealed, running to the Christmas tree and sitting on the carpet as close to the presents as he could. He looked for his name and all the tags, y/n gave Geonhak THAT look to go take the rest of the presents from their hiding place. Kelly started sorting the boxes and bags and the others gathered, the Tiger finishing off the table before following the others to his spot on the couch.

'Aunt Kelly how many presents did you get me?'

'I don't remember, you can practice your counting when you have them all.'

And so he started counting.

Geonhak took big handfuls of toys and placed them on the floor with the rest, some were for his baby too.

Kai ran around excitedly helping Aunt Kelly pass out the last of the presents. The baby babbled and moved its lips, taking a short crawl around the couch where y/n sat and Geonhak sat next to her on the floor. The house sparkled and lit up when the ceiling lights were turned off and the tree glowed bright, Christmas music played through the room from the stereo.

Their baby crawled into Geonhaks lap, pausing at his legs first and looking up at him, wiggling with unsteadiness and uncertainty but the eyes were curious.

'Okay everyone open your first presents.' Kelly sat down and Kai, rambunctious as ever, tore into the wrapping paper.

Y/n watched him, hardly noticing Geonhak trying to hand her the box from her friend with her name on it.
After the gifts were opened and the scattered paper cleaned up Kelly insisted on watching the baby as they tried to maneuver their new toy with their inaccurate movements and chubby baby fingers.

Geonhak met y/n on the porch and they watched lights from the town as he cradled her and held her from behind in a hug of warmth.

'Do you think they liked the toys?' She asked.

'I think it will be hard to beat this year, did you see his smile?'

'Yeah. Every Christmas gets better, for kids anyway.'

'What do you mean? This was fun especially for my first Christmas. Kids don't get all the fun.'

He took something out of his pocket.


She looked at it, a box with a flower engraved on the top like their other one.

But what was inside this time?

'What's this?'

She twisted the latch and raised the lid.

It was filled to the limit with sheets.

Pictures, I Love You notes, papers with crayon drawings, paint hand prints by the kids. She flipped through them all.

'There is one more thing.' He said, watching from behind her shoulder.

It started to snow.

She looked at the box again.
There was a red ribbon hanging from the top and she pulled it, the velvet surface flipped down and revealed a necklace charm. It had three different colored jewels to it and a name for each one, all surrounding one big jewel that was her favorite color. Taking it out she rotated it to see them all sparkle and saw something else. Two dates engraved on the inside, one she recognized as their wedding date but~

'What is this one for?' She almost didn't want to ask, she knew it wasn't a birth date or anniversary.

'That is the day you found me... in the alley.'
He kissed her cheek.

'Merry Christmas.'

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now