Chapter 3 - Movie and Mockery

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We quickly ran into the house to escape the heavy weather. It didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon so we removed our coats and left them by the front door with the other soaked items and decided to watch a movie. This time I was going to let him choose while I get the tv set up.

After turning the screen on the first thing that appeared on screen was a news headline 'Hybrid attacks increasing in southern part of the city.' The video showed the locations and amount of attacks there had been lately, there were so many marks on the map.

   This wasn't the first time to have seen news like this, fortunately my neighborhood was on the east side but that didn't change anything. Lately there had been more stories of attacks all around the city which didn't make me feel comfortable.

I looked toward Youngjo sitting on the floor, he had stopped searching through my small collection of DVDs and his attention was now on the television. After seeing his face he also looked concerned and a little angered by seeing that news then he looked in my direction and spoke in a serious tone.

'I don't see the reason for us to have those things around. They are stronger than us and we act like it won't cause any issues, y/n  you need to be more careful too.' I simply nodded in response.

   I was aware he did not like the idea of hybrids, not because it was inhumane but mostly because he had the impression all hybrids were trouble and should disappear.

I would rather avoid that topic with him after the argument we had about it once before.
Convincing him that hybrids were ultimately the real victims wouldn't happen easily but I won't be trying to explain that to him anytime soon.
   Ignoring the news, I changed the channel quickly to lighten the mood then remembered how eager he was about food on the way home and went to find something.

   The kitchen and living room were separated by two open doorways only giving enough room for chairs and a small table to fit by the wall between the doorways. It was the only place to eat meals in the kitchen without having to eat on the couch and risk staining it.

   I first reached for snacks from the cupboard but also made three bowls of microwave noodles. I knew that we would both be too hungry for only snacks, especially him, I gave him double the amount like I often would do.

   Hopefully he didn't wait too long for me to come back but noodles always seemed to take forever. I found him setting on the sofa and ready to start the movie, he even thought to grab a blanket. After placing the food on the coffee table and turning off the lights I joined him and leaned into him, getting more comfortable. We were both warm under the blanket ready for the movie to begin.
   Once the movie was over I was expecting him to say goodbye and leave but instead Youngjo turned in my direction and put his arm on the back of the sofa behind me.

'Hey y/n  I need to tell yous something.' His other hand rubbed the back of his neck nervously. The words and actions made me nervous but I stayed quiet for him to explain.   

'In a few weeks I will be traveling for work. It is what I need to do for getting more opportunities as a music producer. It might take a few months until I can come back, if I do well at least.'

   That was completely unexpected and the whole thing caught me off guard, for a moment I had no idea what to say. It was clear he was always focused on becoming a professional, that was his dream. The idea of him going away for even a week didn't excite me at all but I knew saying no wouldn't be what he wants to hear.

'Ok but that means you have to come and see me everyday to make up for the time your gone and since you're so good at singing that means you will have to make up for a lot of lost time.' I did my best to smile and speak cheerfully, however I might not have conveyed my fake emotions enough to look believable.

He just smiled back and hugged me to give me some form of comfort. We both knew it was going to happen so it is better to get used to the idea than to be worried about it, at least not too worried.

   By the end of the night he had gone home. I had already put the dishes in the sink and put everything back where it belongs before getting ready for bed. I retrieved my nicest pajama Tshirt and a pair of shorts from the dresser and prepared for sleep, after the news of Youngjo leaving soon, it wasn't going to be very easy to fall asleep. There were plenty of troubling thought going through my mind.

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