Chapter 28 - The Forest

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3rd POV
Barely awake, she feels herself being picked up and carried. The forest is still dark as if they hadn't even slept more than a few minutes, the moon was sunk below the horizon already but the sun hadn't risen yet. She heard leaves crunch beneath his shoes and crickets in the trees, it was that quiet. She worries about his health and insists on staying in place for them to sleep longer.

'Why are we moving already?' She says sleepily, head still resting on the warm skin of his bare shoulder.

'Because I want to.'

She knew he had kept important secrets from him in the past and was quick to know when he was hiding things so she asked again hoping for him to be honest.

'Geonhak WHY are we moving?' She repeats.

'...I heard people coming this way.'

The answer makes her head rise with concern.

'They are far away but we aren't going to wait for them to get near us.' He tries to subdue her anxiety even a little and her head droops, landing on his back and she sleeps again with little effort, confident that she will not need to worry if he is there.
Finally sunrise starts to turn the sky pink and orange, the amount of trees begin to lessen as they trudge forward. Early morning sounds of birds chirping brings a calm awakening to y/n as she sees the shadows of the dark forest becoming light through the trees.

An unfamiliar noise also comes from Geonhak, his breathing was loud almost as if he were sleep walking, but he continued onward. Other than his hybrid ears twitching toward every little sound in the distance he seemed relaxed. She wondered if he was cold at this point but his skin gave very little evidence of being chilled by the frozen morning air.

Short minutes passed before another sound, now disturbing to them both, quickly approaches from the sky. A helicopter takes Geonhaks attention and he is now more awake than he was seconds ago. He runs for a dense patch of large trees, crouching in the dirt hiding under low hanging branches of a pine tree.

'Geonhak, your tail.'

He didn't realize his tail was still in the open and easily visible but he quickly retrieved it to maintain being unseen from the sky.

'They must have waited for daylight to look for us, we might have to wait here.' He says.

The helicopter comes back around and hovers over the area again before disappearing, leaving the two back in silence.

Geonhak doesn't calm down, he can smell something quickly approaching on the ground. With almost inhumane speed it arrives in a few seconds, startling y/n who was unaware of his presence until he was nearby.

The figure comes toward them and proceeds in their direction as if knowing where they are hidden. The branches are lifted, y/n can feel the small vibrations from Geonhaks back as he quietly growled as if ready to attack.

She was the first to come eye to eye with the their pursuer. It was a familiar face, the tiger hybrid, she wondered what his purpose was for following them.

Y/n: 'Why are you here?'

'To take us back obviously.' Geonhak interjects with a sneer.

'I'm not here to do that. I chose to escape too.'

Geonhak: 'Then escape on your own.' He speaks with anger.

'I know y/n can't walk and I know when you're found you won't be able to do anything if she can't move.'

GH: 'You're saying that I need your help? You seem to be needing MY help.'

Y/n: 'Let him join us, I don't want to go back there, I want to go home.' She pleads to Geonhak nearly producing tears.


Once the area was clear the three continue onward until hunger takes them. Once away from the dense forest they stop near the bottom of a mountain by a large river.

Tiger: 'This looks like a good place to get food.'

Geonhak puts her down, removes his shoes and all of his clothing except underwear.

GH: 'Yeah but we need to cook the meat so go find wood already.'

Tiger: 'Me? I was going to catch the food since I am good at fishing, why don't you get the wood?'

GH: 'I wouldn't leave you here alone with y/n even if you were the best at catching fish. Just go already.' He takes his first steps into the cold river, sinking deeper and deeper into the water. The tiger hybrid gives up and wanders off.

Y/n sits on the ground by the river, looking at her leg closely and touching the dark bruise. Eventually she looks away and admires Geonhaks figure as he stands above the water, focused, before immersing himself below the surface leaving only his head above the water. He stood still, at times making quick and loud splashes at every attempt he makes to catch a fish.

Finally he catches one, throwing it with force and far enough to reach the rocks by the bank for the fish to die on the land quickly. He wasted no time between throwing his catch to the side and going for another fish to capture in his grip. Y/n waited and watched sitting down with her arms resting on her knees, easily bored with having nothing to do and no purpose.

The day went by slowly but with the two of the hybrids being instinctually good at survival it was all just simple tasks, at least while the sun was out.

For every meal it would be fish, and until they get home it will most likely be fish or small animals but as long as they were fed she was satisfied. The three of them sit near the fire and eat their food quietly before y/n speaks to lighten the tense mood.

'Geonhak, remember when we ate cooked fish at the festival?'

He laughs a little to himself.

'I remember, but this time the fish is more fresh. Even if it tastes better we will all be tired of eating this soon.'

Y/n: 'At least think more positively... or I'll start to worry even more.'


Y/n: 'When we get home we can eat something different but for now it's just fish food.' She cheerfully states, eager for the day they get home safely.

The tiger hybrid interrupts their conversation, feeling the urge to express himself for the first time but speaking with a tone of anger and seriousness.

'When I get out of here... I'm going to get justice for how they treat us.' He looks into the fire as if he is plotting revenge and y/n finds the air around him unnerving, knowing the 'they' he spoke of were humans.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora