Chapter 2 - Coffee and Rain

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  It was a slow day at the coffee shop, only a few people were sitting around, quietly occupied by their phones and books and nothing in particular was needing my attention.

In my free time I chose to start cleaning, it was not my favorite part but the sooner I start cleaning the sooner we could close the shop for the day.

   The building was silent but relaxing as it had also smelled of coffee. The customers would gradually leave until the place was emptied, the front door quietly chiming on each exit.

   Not long after the last people had left, my closest friend and coworker, Kelly, came out from the back to remove all the baked goods from the display case.

"y/n did you finish cleaning the counters and tables already?" she asked before starting her own chores.

"I just finished them." I replied as I cleared the last table and returned to join her behind the counter.

Before she could make a response, the bells to the front door chimed and caught our attention.

(Why do people always show up when we are about to close? It happens so much and its irritating.) I thought to myself until I realised the intruder was my boyfriend Youngjo.

He entered with a smile and a wave but I'm sure the smile was because he was expecting free pastries from the leftovers. My friend unexpectedly greeted him first before I had the chance.

"You showed up again? That is the third time this week."

Youngjo : "Well lately I am lucky enough to make it here before y/n leaves work and unfortunately she never brings an umbrella on her own, even on rainy days." He raises his hand displaying a black umbrella.

I had barely noticed the rain after being stuck inside the shop, and sometimes the kitchen, although the rain was light today.

"You didn't need to bring an umbrella for me, I don't think we need it. Even if I decided to walk home this time I can still wear my jacket."

Once Kelly had collected all the food she decided to input another remark, when she has an opportunity to tease me she will take it.

"Your jacket is so old and it isn't even waterproof. Don't you have anything better to put on?" She says with a raised brow and a smirk.

   I glance back to Youngjo and he is making the same expression toward me, clearly in agreement with Kelly.

"My jacket is fine because...." I really had no logical reason to defend my jacket, I was just attached to it. When I find something I like I will not think about replacing it until it is falling apart at the seams and they both knew it.

Tired of being teased I playfully try to escape work early, hoping she wasn't in the mood to argue and would just let me go.

"Okay it looks like everything here is handled I will take my stuff and go home now."

Unfortunately she wouldn't fall for it. In the end I was not lucky enough to leave early.
Youngjo sat down at a table and patiently waited until it was time to leave.

   Finally we were able to go, the weather was calm, only light rain coming down and the air was still fresh. It made the 10 minute walk home nearly enjoyable, if it weren't for Youngjo asking why I didn't bring anything for him to eat.

   We nearly made it to my place with only a few minutes remaining. Suddenly the rain became heavier and it started pouring down on our heads. I put my hood up and heard a small giggle on my left. It was Youngjo, laughing quietly to himself as he retrieved his umbrella and opened it above us.

We both were thinking the same thing, he was the smart one to be prepared for this. He got a boost in his ego now that we needed his umbrella but he didn't say anything about it and quietly held the umbrella until we made it to my home.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now