Chapter 25 - Escape Room

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It was eventually my turn. I was wheeled out onto the stage and blinded by the bright lights that shined down on me.

'Now ladies and gentlemen I know the number of live items has been short lately but tonight we have a woman. That's right, a human woman to keep as you please. We don't get to see too many of these on stage so lets start the bidding, I can see everyone is getting excited here.'

I sat there on my knees and looked at the floor of my cage. Each time I glanced at the crowd it made me more terrified, the audience was shrouded in darkness to hide their identities and I had no idea what would happen to my life after this moment and was left unsure of what happened to Geonhak before me.

(Will I ever see him again?) Tears formed beneath my lashes and one ran down my cheek. My moment of sadness was interrupted by the auctioneer.

'And that concludes todays auction. I'd like to thank everyone here today for purchasing every item we had to offer this time around.'

The man bows and walks off stage as the large curtains begin to close as I'm taken away to a strange room. I sat there by myself, tied to a chair. The door opens and a man walks in, stopping in front of me and leaning down to get a closer look and I glared back at him. He looked around my age and was handsome but regardless of how he looks I have no interest in someone that takes part in illegal activities like this.

'Would you like to go home?' He says to me.

(Go home? Am I really going to be set free?)

He waits and takes pleasure in seeing my reaction before talking again.

'Oh did you think I meant your home? Sorry but I had somewhere else in mind. I have big plans for you girl.'

'You're just going to make me a slave right? Why else would you buy me.'

'Slave? No. not exactly, as long as you cooperate we won't have a problem with treating you properly. Depending on what you consider a good deal you might not have a problem with your role at all. It's time I move on to the next room now, I will see you in a few days.'

He exits, leaving me to wait for only a few minutes before being taken to a vehicle and was placed in the back to sit freely as if I were just casually riding in my own car. There was a driver in the front and a guard in the back with me, I was so exhausted I took the advantage of the roomy back seat and laid down to fall asleep.

After days of traveling in secret and several transfers from one vehicle to another, I arrived at a mountainous landscape that seemed void of civilization and only full of trees. The scenery would be calming to most but only worried me.

(What plans do they have for me in a discreet location like this?)

We pulled into the driveway of a large and expensive looking house and I was greeted by a housekeeper. She walked me down the hallway until we reached a door.

'This is where you will stay from now on.'
The woman said bluntly and pushed me into the room, closing the door quickly behind me.

3rd POV
Y/n looked around the room, the walls were covered in dark red elegant patterns that complimented the dark wood flooring. Even the furniture was a nice color of red, making the entire room appear expensive and fancy. There was only one small window, the glass was frosted and made the outside unclear but still illuminated the room with sunlight.

A bathroom was even included in her suite, it was clear this room was made to keep her here with no need to leave. She was finally left alone in the quiet room but the first thing on her mind was a way to escape and find Geonhak. Running to the window and unlocking it, she pushed it outward.

It opened without resistance and wide enough to show the landscape of the outside world. One obstacle was in her way, the exterior of the window was encased by a frame of bars. Her hands pushed on them but they stayed firmly in place, she knew that her only chance of a way out was through the door she entered from.

She didn't think she would get out so easily but still ran to the door and attempted to turn the handle. As she expected, it was locked and she finally gave up, landing onto the soft covers of the bed and resting the back of her hand over her forehead in exasperation.

(Where is he right now? Is he being treated the same way I am? I think I'll go crazy if I never see him anymore.) She thinks and begins to cry to herself.

Y/n was woken up by the sound of people talking in the hallway, their words were faint but still understandable and clear enough to realize it was the owner of the home talking to someone. Her ear is pressed closely to the door to listen.

Reader POV
'You're telling me that my other item didn't arrive and escaped before getting here?'
He sounded angry but calm.

'Yes sir. It got away but it only happened a few hours ago and we are already searching for it.'

'Don't be foolish, there are so many acres of forested land out there. Even if you found him you will have difficulty getting enough men to his location in time before the first men are killed and for the hybrid to disappear again.'

'Sorry sir. What are your orders?'

The man sighs in frustration before answering.

'We will have to wait a few days to continue the search and capture the hybrid. Unfortunately if this takes too long I will be forced to substitute a different hybrid type for the girl if the Lion hybrid runs away. If we have to use a different hybrid then the value of the offspring won't be as significant. Damn.'

(Lion hybrid! Could he be talking about Geonhak?! The chances are likely since it sounds like he was supposed to be recently purchased too... wait, did he just say offspring?! Am I just here for his profit to make and sell off more hybrids?! If that escaped hybrid really was Geonhak I hope I will be able to escape and see him on the outside, it sounds like I have only a few days. Geonhak please hurry.)

Two days went by quietly, the staff brought in every meal for me and made sure I was cared for and healthy. I waited and observed their movement, occasionally stealing a peek outside the door without appearing suspicious. I attempted to be friendly with the staff for any chance of their assistance but they only remained silent and left quickly, leaving me to  be left on my own.

Tonight I will be free, my only knowledge of this place is the way from this room to the exit and that is all that is needed, I made my plans for tonights escape.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें