Chapter 47 - ALIfE

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I fold the clothes in the living room, listening to the news. The channel made me feel connected to the outside as we both hid in our home, we stayed aware that someone was out there wanting to take something special from us. Joshua was wanting his revenge, I just wanted to be safe and have a safe birth. Our curtains were often closed and we stayed in place with cameras around the apartment, it was Geonhaks decision to buy the cameras. We called the police but they were aware of our recent activities with the law, our case against Geonhak being abused, and they were reluctant to help as if we were too problematic.

'Miss, we can not take action if there is no proof. If you were told these things we can not arrest anyone without proof of a real threat. We only take action after something REAL happens.' That is what they told us at our door, it did not help that the officer was the one who tased Geonhak long ago in the park, I wonder if the man remembers us.

In this last month Geonhak got into a routine of exercise and strength training. He said it was just for fun but he did it excessively. I had a good idea why he suddenly wanted to get stronger but I'm sure the amount he is doing it is too much to do any good for him. If he was getting stronger to keep us safe he was really working against himself.

I continued doing the laundry and came across one of his shirts. I did not smell any products on it, only him, even my senses were becoming more atuned to him than anything else. I only thought of him more and more, only wanted more of his attention and he was willing to give me plenty.

'Y/n! Come here!' He yells from the hallway and I curiously follow his voice but he isn't there. I walk into the nearest room first, the room newly remade into the nursery, but it was empty.

Strong arms wrap around me and my cheek is assaulted with a series of kisses.

'Look what I have.' He steps in front of me and holds an item in his hand.

'A box?' It is small and wooden, nothing special but a flower etched into the lid.

'What is it for?'

He shyly looks down at the tiny box with sincere eyes.

'I wanted to get this and put special things into it then in a few years we can open it again. I know it is really small but we can write something to each other. I... want to write something for you.' His hand rubs the back of his head.


It's happening today. The baby is coming, coming only days earlier than expected. Hours ago the first contractions began and the pain became unbearably stronger. We called Kelly for a ride as she promised long ago to take me to the hospital when the time arrived. The day she got herself a car was the very day she volunteered as my personal ambulance. Although in great pain I nearly had to beg the nurses to allow Geonhak into the maternity ward and Kelly was sure to help convince them, in the end he was let into my room as long he stayed in my room only. Now that we were all here it was a matter of time. Until this is over, there is nothing going through my mind but the pain.

For Geonhak it must have been a much more different experience, no worse than mine of course.

He runs his hand through my hair and strokes my arm as he stood next to the bed. I felt worse every hour and wondered why anyone would put themselves through something so terrible, my determination was failing me too easily. My eyes produced tears and sweat formed on my skin, I can't remember if I was even able to sleep at all.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum