Chapter 32 - Remembering.

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Nurse: 'Now that you heard the news I'm sure your husband in the waiting room will be surprised too but I won't say anything.' She winks and decides it was the time to escort me out after finishing our last consultation.

Youngjo rises from his seat when I come out and anxiously waits for me to speak first. I am not prepared to tell him any of the big news right now as I am still coming to terms myself.

(What am I going to do?)

'Y/n are you okay? You look... pale.'

(I know it's Geonhaks but... the likelihood for this happening between a human and hybrid were supposed to be very low. This is my fault I shouldn't have left it to chance.)

'Are you sick?'

I am taken away from my distracting thoughts, remembering he is standing directly in front of me.

'Don't worry they said I just need to eat and sleep. I guess those tests weren't really needed...'

I look down at my feet to avoid his eyes.

'Well they were still important. So you're okay, now I feel better. Lets go home.'

(Lets go home? He acts like we weren't separated at all, he still had the key to my apartment but we both know we aren't together. Should I take back my key? If I did that earlier he might not have been able to see I was in trouble at all and I could have gone missing forever.)

'Goodnight y/n. Are you sure you don't need me to stay with you for the night?'

'I will be fine on my own.' I say, eager to close the door on him and be alone for once.

Youngjo was helpful since I returned but he over stayed his welcome. Finally the apartment was quiet, the broken window was patched up with plastic and tape thanks to the help of my ex. The wooden frame of my coffee table sat in the living room where it always did, now destroyed and free of glass, a reminder of that night.

I wandered into the bathroom and started the hot water to bathe and recollect my sanity, wanting to reclaim some sense of normal in my life again.

The water felt nice on my tired skin.

(This is how my life was before he showed up. There were no obstacles or enemies. I could have been married by now, but would I still wish it happened that way instead? I could go back to that life so easily right now as if nothing happened.)


My hand rested over my stomach and anxiety crept in just from remembering what was now growing beneath my heart.

(My life can't go back to the way it used to be. Not anymore and there was no changing that.)

That night the sheets felt cold and the emptiness was too much, it taunted me. Now was the right time to let go, crying and wailing in the dark.

3rd POV
Her face only showed pain and frustration. Now was the time for grieving. Trying to forget but it was not possible. Her body curled in on itself, the overflowing tears passed through her fingers and seeped into the pillow as she let them spill from her eyes, all night remembering his face and how they had only a small amount of time together in her life.

It wasn't her fault, it was the fault of the society she was made to live in. One that treated every living thing like dirt and the value of a person was based on the standards of others.

She didn't realize, none of it was her fault.
She was a victim.
And now she deals with the consequences of living in such a society, the consequences of accepting that is how life was supposed to be.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now