Chapter 55 - The Beginnings

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Kai cries from the other room, I set the note down before finishing it and leave to console the baby. It is just us right now and I am the only parent he has had at home while Geonhak was at the facility. The visits, no matter how many we have been allowed, were never enough. The only good thing about this situation was that Geonhak really did appear to be feeling happier and less haunted by the past.

Since Geonhak was admitted Kai had acted differently, he was needy for attention more than usual. At times he would cry and nothing would help until he cried himself to sleep, giving up on trying to wait for what he wanted to help him feel better.

(I'm sorry I can't find out what you want but whatever it is I can't bring it to you.)

'Isn't it obvious? he misses daddy.' Kelly tells me over the phone, Kai being bounced in my arms.

Y/n: 'I was afraid of that, if that is true then Kai isn't going to be sleeping enough, he cries for so long now and it doesn't end.'

Kelly: 'You should worry about your sleep too. Geonhak should be done in only a short time and when he is back you three can start all over again in the new town, I bet they are helping him get over all those bad memories right now.'

(Bad memories.)

I remembered the day my parents saw him, he cried so much because they didn't want anything to do with him and the things they said left him worrying about the baby.

I remember the night we were attacked in the apartment, he was beaten and thrown into the furniture, cut into by the glass table.

I remember the night in the bathroom, he clawed away at his back to get rid of that mark. I don't even know what happened to him when the mark was burned onto his back.

I remember his last day working for that company, he only wanted to earn money.

Half a lifetime being treated like an animal, followed by half a lifetime acting like a sword and shield. If only he told me what was happening. Now that I think about it, this time he was given to recover was his only way out.

Past-After the Auction-GH POV:
'You two will make a great pair.' I hear the voice in my ears. I never saw the man that spoke to me, my head was pounding and my eyes wouldn't open. I felt she wasn't near me anymore.

Nothing made sense, my body was jostled and shaken, it worried me.

I was in a metal container.
A familiar sound in my ears.
Tires running over the road, a truck, small and empty... and y/n wasn't here.

I could move freely for once.

(This is too easy.)
I slammed my fists into the wall. Nothing. No dent, the extra darkened color of the inside should have been the first indicator this was no normal metal container. The men delivering me were too careless, I was going to escape like those before me had done, saving me from a future with that rich mans son.

I made my plan, I waited for the right time. I could smell the growing scent of pine trees and I knew it was the perfect moment to escape. This forest would be enough to conceal me after being freed, I only needed to track her down and take her home.

(They were too generous with the height of this containment.)


Forcing my larger figure onto one wall and to the other until everything rocked, strength wasn't the goal, my body held enough weight and shifted the truck, do it enough times and the entire vehicle can be swayed. The tires screeched and struggled to rotate in the desired direction.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now