Chapter 7 - Paws With Claws

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3rd POV
The hybrid had climbed through the window, he remembered the note and entered the room that had been waiting for him. It was an empty room only furnished with a bed, a bedside table, and a small lamp. Y/n placed the bag of items he left behind earlier on the bed, still containing some water and medicine for cuts. He placed the bag on the floor and laid on the bed over the covers, his arms rested behind his head and eyes closed. Finally a comfortable place to sleep after so long.

His sharp hybrid ears heard soft footsteps coming near the door but he remained unbothered.

The door flew open. The sudden event left him no choice but to find comfort in the farthest corner of the room as quickly as possible. His back was against the wall, cornered animals will either fight or run and he was not running.

He observed the doorway to see the girl was already on her knees, a knife had fallen from her hands. The sight made him angry, he was not happy about being surprised and the sharp blade on the floor made him almost furious.

   Being a hybrid, his senses were finely tuned to his surroundings. He peered at the girl setting on the floor, her appearance displayed nothing but on the inside she was in turmoil, that is what his senses were telling him. She was still in shock but the recent adrenaline rush left her exhausted.

He felt as if he was now the predator of the space they currently shared and she was the weakened prey, at this moment in time she posed no threat to him.
   He confidentally walked toward her and grabbed the knife, throwing it across the room, not looking away from her direction. She was completely disarmed and defenseless, just how it should be. This room was his territory now and nothing was going to threaten him without consequences.
Crouching over her, he familiarised himself with her scent, lighlty sniffing at her hair. The act confused and scared her but she refrained from raising her head, careful not disturb him and kept completely still until he finished.

His arms reached around her, lifting her weakened body, carrying her to the room she often slept in. No words were spoken as he moved her.
He followed his nose, locating her bed was an easy task for him thanks to his strong sense of smell, the door to her bedroom encased more of her scent behind it than the rest of the apartment.
He opened the door and placed her in the bed before turning around to exit the room.
   'Wait.' She called out before he was gone, he stood motionless in the doorway expecting her to continue.

'Why did you bring me to my room? And where did you go these last few days?' She asked with curiosity still forgetting he had never spoken to her once yet. For the first time she received a response.

   'Isn't it normal for humans to find a place of comfort when they are scared or uncomfortable?' He said looking back at her, speaking with a calm and deep voice.
Reader POV
It was surprising, I never really expected him to finally speak up.

(Maybe now he is willing to answer my other questions, the important questions.)

I left the bed and walked over to him, maintaining eye contact. He watched as I approached.

'What is your name?' I stood there gazing up at him waiting for an answer as he looked back at me.
A few quiet seconds went by.

(Maybe he didn't know his name or didn't even have one in the first place.)

'Geonhak' He answered bluntly.

'Okay Geonhak, will you be staying in the guest room from now on?' I said with a slight smile trying to appear friendly.

   His head tilted to the side and a single eyebrow was raised, making me feel uneasy.

(Did I say something wrong?)

My mind was busy, trying to find ways to casually change the subject until...

'Stop asking me questions.' He said abruptly, his brows now became furrowed and his tone was serious but not as if he were angered.
I was stunned, but wasn't going to leave the conversation to end like that.

(This was getting both physically and mentally tiring since it was still late at night when he arrived.)

   'Fine. There won't be anymore questions. I think it's time for me to go back to sleep now.'

That was my calmest attempt at responding to him as I sent Geonhak into the hallway and closed the door to my room.

(Maybe I should have been more cautious when doing that, if he gets angry things could go wrong.)

I made sure to lock my door to be safe, though it might not do much to keep him out. The last sound heard that night was the door to the spare room being closed.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now