Chapter 29 - Monsters in the Dark

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GH: 'You want justice or something? The only thing you'll get is sent back to the mansion or killed, dumbass.'

Y/n: 'I agree. If you try to do anything you will just be caught again. You have to hide... maybe you should stay away from other people or civilization. We can still go back but you can't, at least as long as your owner is looking for you.'

Tiger: 'I almost forgot about that. I could wait until their papers of my ownership expire soon. If they can't prove I'm still their property then I will be free. After that, will you take me in y/n?'

She is surprised by the unexpected question. They didn't even know each other enough and she knew she would not be able to own two hybrids. There was no way it would happen and she wasn't even going to consider it.

'No.' Geonhak says swiftly after the question was even asked, receiving an irritated look from the Tiger hybrid.

Tiger: 'I wasn't asking you.' His brows furrowed and he held back a growl of disapproval.

Y/n: 'I didn't plan to accept your idea anyway. You have to find somewhere else to go, before and after you become unclaimed.'

'Fine.' He starts to pout and lowers his head looking defeated.

It took a whole day of thinking as they traveled,  giving y/n plenty of time to think of what they could all do once they get back home. Occasionally they stopped to sleep or eat along the way, in the end she came up with an interesting and simple plan for the Tiger to hide and she thought it really could work.

Tonight was the first for them since the escape to stop and attempt to get a long, restful sleep in a proper shelter. Sleeping under tree branches became common but this night they were lucky to find a small, shallow cave. The trees surrounding the cave were filled with sounds of the forest life that lived in them while the sounds inside the cave were of a crackling fire they had made for the night.

The fire produced a continuous sound but had no effect on the three exhausted travelers who slept, in fact it brought them comfort. The Tiger laid on one side of the cave while on the other side, the human girl snuggled closely against the Lion to stay warm.

Sticks crack and leaves shuffle near the entrance of the cave. Large heavy paws slide over the stone flooring of the cave and the quiet growl of a mountain lion echoes inside, unnoticed by anyone but y/n. She wakes up, her eyes adapting to the dark left behind by the now dimmed fire.

She feels heavy breaths against her face followed by the sounds of the heavy inhaling and exhaling of air. It came from neither of the hybrids and as her eyes adjusted she saw it, its large head faced directly down at her. Only the glint of moonlight reflected in its eyes hinted to her that she was staring into the orbs of a real beast.

Almost unable to comprehend it wasn't a dream she was reassured this was reality when she saw its large eyes blink. The others needed to know, but how will she alert them without disturbing the animal and risking their own lives?

Geonhak still slept behind her, both of the men unknowing of the current and dangerous intruder. Her eyes were wide and her body felt cold from terror as it looked at her then turned to the Tiger hybrid on the other side of the cave.

Now was her chance, she quietly patted Geonhak behind her, forcing him awake. With his eyes closed he heaved out breaths of anger for being woken up when they still had so much time left to sleep. Then he saw the beast but not before catching its scent first, signaling to him of an unfamiliar presence.

Neither of them moved meanwhile worried thoughts ran through her mind, she knew she would easily be mangled and the hybrids had little more of a chance at surviving an attack than a normal human. Geonhak could feel her body shaking against his own, he quietly reached his arm over her to calm her but she was unable to with the large animal in such a close proximity to them.

The mountain lion sniffed the hair of the Tiger hybrid causing him to unconsciously lash outward in his sleep, hitting the animal in the nose. It roared, waking the last of the three travelers and the intensity of the roar added to y/ns fear causing her to shut her eyes tightly hoping it would disappear once opened again.

As the mountain lion began to move more aggressively Geonhak shifted y/n behind him while the animal was distracted by the other man who was now fully awake and sitting up, backed against the stone wall equally as terrified as the others.

'Y/n follow me. we have to sneak out of here.' He whispers to her.

'What about him?'

'We can't help him y/n, we have to go now or it will get us too.'
The animal is dangerously close to the other hybrid and it didn't appear like it was going to back away.

Without y/n agreeing to leave with him, Geonhak pauses as if thinking of a plan before coming to a, completely insane, conclusion. He grabbed a small stone from the ground and threw it at the animal, hitting its back, before running out of the cave and the large predator takes no time in persuing the chase.

They both disappear into the darkness with Geonhak a short distance ahead of the beast,
y/n is left stunned by the scene and the small cave becomes quiet with the last two people left behind. The Tiger hybrid remains sitting on the ground, frozen from fear and now from surprise of what he just witnessed.

Y/n stands up even with her damaged leg and rushes outside to follow but there is nothing out there, she couldn't see anything, she couldn't hear anything. The forest seemed silent as sound was prevented from reaching her ears, likely from the loud pounding in her eardrums from the adrenaline and shock.

She attempted to run after them but could only limp and stumble.

Tiger: 'Y/n wait!' He follows her to keep her from doing anything dangerous or rushed, keeping y/n from moving further from the cave.

She stands there waiting for Geonhak to come back.

'How could he do this to me.' She thought.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang