Chapter 22 - Taken From You

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3rd POV
The living room window was destroyed sending shattered glass to the carpet and waking the two from their sleep. Geonhak was the first one to act, rushing from the bed to the bedroom door while y/n was just coming to terms with what was happening as she was half awake.

He could hear everything so clearly and was quickly aware of the intruders, whoever was breaking into their home had a familiar smell. One of them was a human and the other was another Lion hybrid, one they've met before.

Geonhak didn't know if he should stay in the room and protect them both at the door or if he should go into the open living room to keep any trouble farthest from her as possible even if it were more dangerous for him.

Y/n rubs her eyes.
'What's happening? What was that?'

Another loud crash echoes through the apartment, causing her to jump. He could feel the panic growing in her and couldn't wait any longer, he opened the door and walked into the hallway. After he shut the door his hand crushed the handle, jamming it and making it difficult to open.

He could successfully stop her from following him but if there was another strong hybrid here it would be pointless to barricade the entrance to keep them out.

Geonhak was not fully recovered from being sick only days before but this was his only choice. She heard a loud roar from outside her room but it didn't sound familiar, it wasn't from Geonhak.

The room was dark, barely lit by the moonlight from the window, but not too dark for the hybrids to see. The other enemy was just a man wearing all black clothing, clearly he was the one in charge.

Geonhak hurried to make the first attack, lashing out at the other hybrid and cutting into the side of his face. Unfortunately his genes didn't provide him with animal like claws but the enemy was equipped with sharp claws of his own and was capable of using them.

The other hybrid lunged toward him, claws cutting deep into Geonhaks shoulder and extended halfway down his arm, blood began to emerge from the cuts, Geonhak only narrowly avoided the full hit that would have done more damage to the rest of his body.

'I told you we're not here to kill him now do what your told and knock him out!' The human in dark clothing shouted.

Y/n heard the words from the next room very clearly and tried to frantically open the door, quickly becoming frustrated that it wouldn't budge.

The hybrid beast punched Geonhak in the stomach and grabbed him, throwing him onto the glass coffee table causing it to break into pieces. Geonhak hit his head on the wood frame of the table and nearly lost consciousness, the enemy was bigger and stronger than him and clearly trained to fight.

Y/n finally escaped and ran into the living room to see Geonhak laid out through the table and his arm almost completely covered in red. She could only stand there in shock as the man in black points a gun at her.

'So the master finally appears. If you stop resisting and come with us we can leave her alone.' The man says.

Geonhak saw the gun aimed at the girl and lost all rationality, there was no benefit in making deals with the enemy,  they couldn't be trusted. He wanted to tear the man apart for threatening to shoot her. Before being able to attack him, Geonhak was intercepted by the hybrid and slammed against the wall, the Lions hand clasped around his throat and Geonhak desperately tried to pry himself free.

Everything happened too fast for y/n, she could only see him gasping for air as the man pulls out a syringe from his pocket and used it on him.

He quickly began to lose consciousness, seeing y/n trying to pull the man away but she became subdued, her hands forced behind her back and her mouth covered by a cloth.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now