Chapter 41 - I quit.

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She left me at work again, it was a repeat of using public transport, standing in the parking lot and promising to see each other later on. We did this every time as if it were some unspoken rule. After two months of working here y/n knows everything about what I do here and doesn't mind as long as things go well.

Eventually more hybrids came to work here and most days we'd get along but there were always fights between two of them and at some point a blunt weapon was used to control them again.

It was a prime visual example of what could have happened to me if i wasn't taught how to behave. Tensions rose between everyone in the work place, we were again seen as violent and aggressive beings rather than their coworkers. It didn't matter if I acted well or followed orders, I was still going to be attacked in some way. I knew why I was here though, I had a purpose to be here and help y/n no matter what.

We lifted and moved each container by our own strength, we were not given equipment unless absolutely necessary, because there were now many of us we regularly could do our jobs without equipment, it was not without pain.

My body ached and my breaks seemed to become shorter after some time, I was often hungry and wanted to be home but... this was worth it. Everything was worth it.

Today there was no construction and only storage to transfer from the building into large trucks. It was warm outside and I was ready to eat lunch, if I will be lucky enough to get one. We were told these supplies were to go to one of their newer locations. I carried the large box to the platform and placed it carfully, the box slipped from my hands and slammed heavily onto the surface.

'Hey what are you doing!'

I don't speak, turning around to see one of our newest guards watching me, I never wanted to get attention from one of our guards and this one had a temper, at least for my kind he did.

'I'm talking to you. Do you think you can throw things all over the place?! You're going to give our business a bad reputation!'

I stayed quiet but if this man were to be any kind of animal himself he would have been a hyena, annoying, boastful, and eager to fight.

He didn't scare me as his height was far below mine with his head reaching my collarbone. I ignored him and turned around to reposition the box.

As I leaned forward my balance was interrupted and I was pushed from behind, landing on the box instead. The rest of the lot had a few other workers nearby but they only stood and watched as I attempted to get up onto my feet again but the arm supporting me was kicked out from below me. I landed onto my side and was kicked again between my legs, the impact took the wind out of my lungs.

'Hey I've seen you come in to work after hugging your master, you've been too careless. You two are fucking aren't you! I don't blame you she's cute but the idea of someone like her with YOU in bed is disgusting. She must be some good piece of ass to make you act like such a good boy, you won't even fight back.'

He kicked between my legs again but only hitting the hand that was covering the area.

(This is enough, I'm getting my revenge.)


A shout came from the other side of the lot.


She runs from the parking lot and opens the chain linked gate blocking her way. She is so angered that her hand moves before her thoughts and she punches the guard in the nose.

(What a brave but foolish action, y/n.)

I stagger onto my feet, I only could think to pick her up and hurriedly carry her back to the parking lot to avoid anymore violence.

(This was no place for us anymore.)

'You'll be hearing from me later! You don't get the freedom to treat my family like this!' She screamed.

(Please... stop.)

I pull her along the sidewalk on our way back home. She was still furious and possibly still considering freeing herself from me to yell at the man again, her brows furrowed and lower lip tensed but she eventually settled on standing motionless, quietly and full of anger.

Geonhak: 'Y/n. Come On!' She begins to trudge forward ahead of me.

'I'm not letting you go back there, how long were they treating you like that. Tell me.'

Reader POV
I turn back as I ask him, noticing his tail hangs motionless.

Y/n: 'So for a long time then?'

'For awhile, yes.' He confirms.

I couldn't look at him right now, I focused on the route home, hoping that he would feel some form of space to tell me the answers but that doesn't keep me from scolding him.

'You didn't tell me anything, how can I trust you anymore.'

'They never gave me too much trouble until recently. Nothing has really happened~'

'Until Recently?! That doesn't make this better! You aren't telling me the whole truth are you? Things were going to get worse but you. did. not. tell. me. Any of this.' My hands clench tightly into fist as I walk faster. I was furious.

'Y/n slow down!' He calls from a growing distance behind me.

(Why is he like this? Will I have to just keep him at home all over again? How disobedient. How careless.)

'It was worth it.' He says under his breath, barely audible.


'Every day was worth it. We have more money now, we can buy what we need. We can pay for those bills you keep worrying about. We can pay for the baby too.'

She stops for only a fraction of a second to glare back at him but the expression softens unexpectedly, now grasping his reasons. She couldn't hold her stern composure for long before responding.

'Don't worry about the money anymore. Let's go. Now.'

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now