Chapter 36 - Changing, Growing

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'I told you I am going to work tomorrow.'

'But y/n why?'

'I don't really need to explain do I?' She carries the basket of freshly washed sheets into the bedroom followed by Geonhak.

'I want to go back to work, it's weird to say this but I miss it and when I return it will feel nice to get back into a normal setting.'

She spreads blankets over the bed and straightens out the wrinkles until perfectly flat and he stand back, quietly observing.

'I'm gonna miss you.' He stands behind her with one hand clinging to his other arm, his hand nervously sliding up and down the limb.

Without looking behind her, y/n knows what he's feeling inside, anxiety and uncertainty.

She turns around and hugs him knowing he will, again, have to go back to a life of lonely days in the apartment at least until he gets permission to leave for his own work.

The phone rings and she anwers it almost immediately. Geonhak heard both sides of the conversation. He listened closely between her and her friend who was asking about how she was. While she held the phone more pillows and blankets were added to the bed, pillows almost lining the edges completely and blankets unconsciously tossed into the middle as she talked on the phone. Geonhak watched closely, at one point moving some things from the bed and back to the closet where they normally stayed, to test her.

Y/n hung up and turned back to the rest of the room, something instantly seemed amiss and it didn't take long not notice the items just placed were already missing. She looked in the closet, first expecting them to be there and re-placed them where she needed them to be, back on the bed. It made her feel better that things were in order until she realized... what was she even doing?

'I- why did I do that, this doesn't make sense, my bed is never made like this.'

Geonhak shrugs his shoulders, feigning ignorance and leaving the room.

'Wait, you know what is happening don't you.'

'Well... its nothing crazy but you're nesting, it's what you do to destress and comfort yourself.'

'What do you mean it's not crazy, I'm not supposed to act like this... do you nest?'

'No, only females... or, at least my kind does.'

The next load of completed laundry beeps and he walks away to collect it, leaving her alone in the room confused by his unclear explanation.

She doesn't remove the extra bedding and instead lays on top of the pile, noticing it made her mentally and physically relaxed as he said it would. She thought about the new behaviors and wondered.

(It must be just like purring right? I am slowly becoming less like myself.)

She remembered, when she was feeling this way before, remembering when she was trapped in her room of the estate, the familiar feeling of needing to chew and claw the bedding like an animal but this time was different. That thought led to another memory.

(Wait. It was THEM that made me more like a hybrid, they tried to transition me to be compatible for a baby. Because of that syringe I became more compatible with the baby already within me, assisting my ability to keep it alive before my body rejected it.)

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now