Chapter 45 - Movie. Mayhem.

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'What are we going to do? He is probably watching us right now. He could come and take us any time. He knows about the baby. He wants to take them away!' She says frantically, the unease encroaching on my sense of security.

Geonhak rushes from room to room closing every curtain and turning off the other lights before returning to her.

'Don't worry we are not being watched now.'

'How do you know?'

He silently taps the tip of his nose, reminding her of his extra sensitive senses.

'I don't smell anything new placed in our home and there is no one suspicious around the building.'

His arms wrapped around her in a hug.

y/n: 'This isn't fair.' Her hand rises to collect a tear from her cheek and wipes it away.

'Y/n, come on, let's watch a movie.' Deep down Geonhak also felt like his own home was compromised but he could do nothing other than try to find something to distract her. Home was the safest place, and it wasn't even safe anymore.

'A movie? I can't even think about doing anything right now.' The worries surrounded her, leaving her greatly uninterested in 'fun activites'.

' Then do what I say, sit down and I will choose a movie tonight.' He commands sweetly, leaving her no choice but to agree, her troubled mind now made up for her.

He collects her favorite foods from the kitchen, blankets, and he inserts a disc into the system.

'I don't want to watch this.' Although apathetic to the movie idea, her negativity begins to seep through her words.

GH: 'It's YOUR own movie you bought... then what do you want to watch?'

'I don't know.' She doesn't even look at the screen and starts to bite her nails, a new habit of hers spurred on by the recent events.

'If you can't pick what you want then we will watch this, don't make this complicated.' He maintains a calm tone with her, trying to keep up with her difficult attitude but his patience is slowly slipping. He removes her thumb nail from her teeth, attempting to stop her from the self destructive behavior.

She sighs aggravatedly but says nothing, reaching for the food but abstaining from eating it, observing it suspiciously.

y/n: 'How old is this food?'

'It is fresh, can't you just eat it and be quiet now?' His irritation grows but she doesn't stop, still uncertain she smells it directly before gagging harshly and keeping down what she could with all her effort. She nearly leaped from the chair to find a trash can but stayed seated instead, trying to keep in control of her stomach.

He takes the food far away from her and comes to her side to rub her shoulder.

'Did the smell make you sick?'

y/n: 'This entire apartment is making my head hurt actually.' She holds her palm against her forehead.
'But you sitting here makes it better.' She pulls her face closer to him and nuzzles herself into his chest, it emanates relaxing scents as if they were naturally produced for her.

Reader POV

He is my favorite scent lately, his strong figure represented the last barrier between me and danger. I wrapped my arms around his neck and inhaled deeply into his shirt. It was like a drug to me, to smell HIM and if I could do that, it was a good sign I was safe. He embraced me just as securely and my head felt relief. The peacefulness formed a tear from my eye and it soaked into the fabric of his shirt.

'If the apartment smells too strongly then should I open the windows?' He mumbles and I send a reply of muffled sounds from his chest but his ears catch every word.

y/n: 'No... just don't bathe... or wash your clothes anymore...'

'You're finally allowing me to keep my natural musk? If only you'd let me do that when I hated baths.' He leans back onto the armrest of the couch, letting me lay over him and tuck my face into his shirt more easily.

'Y/n you should lay on your side, your body will hurt if you don't.' He helps me turn into a comfortable position and pulls the blanket over us, keeping an arm beneath his head and the other over me as we finally started to watch the television.

y/n: 'Well I like your 'musk' now.'

'Are YOU going to do the same and not bathe if I'm not allowed to?'

'...We'll see. You should rewind the movie I don't know what happened.'

He laughs, his front moving in time with the laughter. 'But you own this movie you should already know~'

I shush him, a finger over his lips until he quiets and gives up the protest, starting the movie from the beginning. As we watched, his fingers toiled through my hair and his warm chest raised with every deep breath.

Not long now. The baby will be here soon. We were as prepared as we could have been. Our last few months together after the that phone call were not easy. Geonhak often called me difficult for the ways I acted. Some days I needed things done one way, other days I would change my mind completely and he had to do everything differently to please me. It was frustrating for him and he had trouble hiding it at times.

Was this normal behavior for being so far along? I had less control of myself and got angry at him sometimes. He tried so hard to help me and I made his life harder. Geonhak, I'm sorry. In the end we came together again but it was not an easy time at home.

During that time Julia helped us so much, we waited and fought, and finally... succeeded. We made an example of the people that abused Geonhak at his job. Julia made sure we were compensated fairly and that the public payed attention. Many owners considered the humanity of their hybrids, others wanted more money and tried to sue other hybrid job sites as well. Some owners went as far as hurting their own hybrids, to a great extent, before trying to sue and get some free money. Things were chaotic.

What I hadn't expected was for the hybrids to see they had a chance against humans, to gain some form of value as a being. The attacks across the city that began long ago became more frequent and with greater cause. It was no longer about strays killing humans for amusement, it grew into hybrids attacking their owners out of revenge or a lust for freedom.

The system doesn't make exemptions for a hybrid killing anyone simply because they were treated unfairly, those poor beings were killed without a trial or any empathy given.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now