Chapter 12 - Suspicious Woman

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Everything had been arranged, Kelly was willing to cover me for work so I could travel to collect the medication for Geonhak, I wasn't going on this short trip alone at least.
   I felt a small amount of pride in myself for finding a solution so fast, I felt very lucky too but it was still thanks to his idea in the first place to find the medicine online. The two of us were ready to leave on our small journey. The weather was good for traveling today, there was just one thing I needed to do.

Y/n : 'Geonhak can you put this on before we go please?' I handed him a solid black collar with a silver buckle hoping he would agree to wear it without causing any issues. My number was even written on the item for someone, or even him, to be able to contact me in case he would get lost but I was confident he would be fine.

He took it and started to inspect the collar closely at many different angles as if it were a trick or something dangerous, however he still trusted that I wouldn't give him anything bad.

'Do I have to?' He whines, holding it in one hand letting the collar hang from his palm.

Y/n: 'Put it on and keep it on until we get back. I don't want you to look like a stray and get taken.'
He huffs but complies, wrapping it around his neck and buckling it together.

'Okay it's on now where's the leash master?' He sarcastically says, emphasizing how inferior the accessory makes him feel.

Y/n: 'You're being overdramatic now let's go, I don't want to be late.'

   We took a bus to reach our destination to meet with the woman. He was fine with the ride except for one thing, the collar. He would keep pulling on it and getting a little frustrated but kept his thoughts, and hateful opinions, toward the collar to himself. He was probably thinking of ways to get rid of that thing forever.

(Wearing one of those looks uncomfortable. I hate to see him forced to wear it.)

   Finally we arrived to the meeting point originally chosen by the woman, it was a small park in a quiet neighborhood. The location was very empty, not many people were around even though it was the best time of day for being in a place like this.
   We must have gotten there too early since we needed to wait for her to show up but eventually she appeared not too long after the time we agreed to meet. The woman walked up to us with a brown paper bag in her hand followed by a Lion hybrid close behind.

The woman was beautiful with smooth blond hair that shined in the sunlight and a fur coat that matched her heels. Everything she wore looked very expensive. Her hybrid was as big as Geonhak, maybe a little more muscular and definitely more intimidating. He had black hair instead of golden lion hair too, making him look less friendly, in fact that Lion really unnerved me deep down for some reason. I don't want to think it's just because he's a large hybrid, maybe he was nicer than he appeared and I'm worrying too much.

She walked up to me and shook my hand. 'Hello you are y/n right?'

Y/n: 'Yes. Um, so this must be your Lion then, he looks... interesting and I haven't heard of any that have hair colors other than blond.' That was my best attempt at small talk to lighten the mood and get a conversation started.

   For a split second she looked at me like I was crazy, as if she forgot there actually was a hybrid with her until she looked back and noticed him.

Woman: 'Oh, yeah he is kind of a rare color but still a handful to be honest. Yours looks very nice and well cared for, I have to say he is a pretty one.'

She agreed with a smile and looked closely at him from where she stood, eyeing him up and down as if she was inspecting a valuable item. She raised the bag in front of my face trying to distract me from her odd behavior.

   Woman : 'I brought everything you wanted, it was so convenient you could come get it. I accidentally received too much, these would go to waste before my Lion could use them.'

Y/n : 'No I feel like I was the lucky one actually.' I say with a nervous laugh.

We paid her and she handed us our items, I checked the content of the bag immediately. It was just a solid gray bottle with a white cap, I opened it and there were plenty of yellow pills inside. They looked exactly like the pictures I found online, to make sure they were the right ones. Before coming here I got advice from a professional on how to distinguish the real medicine from the fakes, the label on the bottle even had all the right information.

   I handed one to him and he sniffed at it then consumed the pill. The woman and I said our goodbyes and parted ways. On the way back to our city he fell asleep until I woke him to leave the bus and get home.
The pills seemed to work fine and Geonhak took them as recommended. Any signs of a heat disappeared and he acted more like himself again. For the next three weeks our lives were less complicated and we became closer each day.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now