Chapter 26 - Tiger

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I look around my room for anything that will be useful in case I had to defend myself or get past anyone in my way but my options were slim. The only choice was to bring a pillow from my bed and wait for my door to be unlocked.


As soon as the housekeeper opened the door and walked into the room to place my food on the table I was gone. I ran out the door and hurried down the hallway. Following the route from memory I ran and turned the corner, the large door was in sight but the place was still well lit and my only option was to run out before anyone could catch me. I burst through the door and could see the outside finally, the expansive front yard was dimly lit by the half full moon and it would be perfect for me to see but also to hide.

'She's escaped!'

They run after me, one of them comes into my vision from the front and reaches to grab my arm, I could only barely stop him thanks to the pillow used to block his view but that was the last of my tricks. I am so close to the gates that separate me from this place and the forest on the other side, the closer I become the more hope there is to be free from here. There is no one in sight and no one in my way but there is enough commotion from behind it is clear they are prepared for a chase.

I've made it, the trees pass behind me, hiding me from view as I run further away. Small vehicles can be heard starting in the distance and are becoming louder, my body is feeling tired and my bare feet hurt from the rough terrain.

The more I ran the more confidence I gain as everything around me became silent, I'm not sure which direction I ran or even if it was in circles but it now seemed I was the only human around. My pace slowed to a walk and I trudged further on, eventually finding a tree to lean against as I rest my tired body. Everything was dark and the wind shuffled through the leaves above me, a different worry set in about the wildlife that I could come across. Still, the scenery was relaxing enough to let me fall asleep after waiting to see if I was followed.

Something pushed on my elbow then there was a forceful tug on my wrist. I was barely awake but knew immediately that I was being recaptured. My body couldn't move and my vision was blurry, I was only able to see dog like ears on the people carrying me away through the trees. They brought me back to the large house, leaving me back in my room again. I was left there with extra security after my stunt and from now on my meals were left by the door.

I return to the small window and open it, trying in some way to to pry the bars apart and hoping they would miraculously come off.

(This is my only way out now but I'm hopeless on my own.)


My frustration gets the best of me after minutes of tugging and pulling on the bars, another unsuccessful attempt to leave this place.

After hours of waiting I received a visitor, the man who owns this land and who recently bought me entered my room.

'Have you been doing well? I hope my staff are treating you properly. You need to stay healthy.  Oh, you probably don't know why you're here do you?'

'I already know what you want me for.' I speak bluntly to him.

'Then it will be a short conversation we will have here today. I am going to bring in a Tiger hybrid for you to reproduce wit~'

'No thanks.' I interrupt.

'Sorry but you have no choice, you belong to me now and you will do what I say.'

It takes everything in me not to hurt him and he stands up. Suddenly two scary looking men come into the room and stand near me.

'I will make sure you won't be getting out of here again and now I need to start transitioning you for hybrid mate compatibility so be good and stay down.'

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu