Chapter 30 - On the Way

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The Tiger hybrid calmed her down from her hysteria but only enough for them both to sleep again, y/n was only capable of sleep thanks to the mental and physical exhaustion she was now going through. He waited for her to sleep before rekindling the fire and getting his own rest that night.

In the late morning y/n was found crying and crouched on the ground, her hands shrouded her tear covered face and she cried quietly to herself still finding some way to cope with the situation. Geonhak hadn't come back.

Tiger was already tired and over the emotional distress of Geonhak being gone, his new focus was to still get them out of the forest. He knew it was his time to take charge.

Tiger: 'Y/n just get on my back we need to go already.'

'No. What if he comes back, he won't be able to  find us. I'm staying here.' She nearly shouts at him like a child having a tantrum.

'He will still be able to find you if you just go home now get up.' He walks over to her and forcefully pulls her up by the arm.

'Stop!' She fights him but barely has control of her own body before he carries her over his shoulder and starts to walk away from the cave.

'Stop! He's coming back for me, I need to stay here!' She strains to twist and turn and hit him on the back finding any way to get back onto the ground.

'You know as much as I do he won't be coming back to this place.'

She stopped her retaliation and finally gave up. His words echoed in her mind and dampened any hope she had left.

(If Geonhak was ok he would have been back by morning.) She thought and slipped deeper into a dark space in her mind.

She was quiet for the entire rest of the journey but they made it out of the wild and found an empty road, following it in one direction and hoping to reach civilization before this day ends. Cars passed by but seeing the hybrid deterred anyone from stopping to help, the scene wasn't inviting to veiwers that passed by in their comfortable, temperature regulated, vehicles and the two were left to travel on foot in the heat of the sun.

'Selfish humans.' He thought as he slowly got tired of carrying y/n around but still understood she couldn't be trusted to walk on her own bare feet yet.

'Y/n are you okay?' Regardless, he was still concerned about how she was faring.

She refused to talk to him, at least for now, he eventually gave up trying to communicate to her and continued forward.

Finally, a town, and a well populated one. Their first goal was now complete. The next was to find out their location and somehow think of a way to get home without money in their pockets, y/n didn't even have shoes.

Looking around the town he found a large display that portrayed a map of the town and another of the surrounding cities far away.

'Y/n I found a map now look at it and tell me where we're going.' He was past coaxing her with kind words, he said what he wanted plainly until she cooperated. She was so emotionally drained she went along with what he asked of her then often went back to sulking quietly.

She observed the map and pointed out where they needed to go to get back home, as she did she felt like she was leaving Geonhak behind. The distance looked so far away on the map, it would take a long time to reach their location.

He sat her down on a bench, thinking of ways to get money. Pickpocketing would be easy for him but who will be his target.

'Don't do it.'

Y/n grabbed his arm somehow knowing exactly what he was thinking, this wasn't her first experience around a desperate hybrid stranded on the streets.

'Do you expect me to beg for money?'

'I'd rather beg than steal.'


People passed by on the sidewalk and he gradually gained the courage to ask people that came near but nothing worked, he next asked a man walking by.

'You want Me to give you money for nothing? How bout I pay you some cash if you let me take that girl for a few hours.'

He growls at the man until he turns and walks away with disinterest, after the man has turned the corner the hybrid takes her hand and pulls her toward a convenient store in a rush.

'What are you doing?'

'Just hurry and follow me.' He says, giving her no information. Once inside the store he walks through the aisles picking food from the shelves as she follows his steps, still confused.

'We don't have money what are you trying to do? I told you we're not going to steal.' She whispers.

He discreetly brings out a tattered brown wallet and opens it, exposing a fair amount of bills inside. Her eyes widen and shoves his arm in frustration then begins to scold the Tiger hybrid for his actions.

'What's wrong with you.' She was really making a comment rather than asking it as a question.

'You heard what that man said, if he wants to be disgusting like that then I'm going to take his money and send you home.'

'How were you going to do that?' She asks.

'After we eat something you go to the police and they'll make sure you get home, it's clear that there isn't a way for us both to make it.'

'But if you even go near a police station you could be recognised and taken back to the estate or worse, there might already be a search warrant for you.'

'That's why you're going alone and make sure you see a doctor for your leg.' He says counting through the bills and she can't believe what she's hearing.

'No I have a better idea, we can take public transportation back to my home, together.'

At this point the two talk quietly in the aisle.

'Y/n it's a bad idea, someone could recognize me.'

'Just hide your face, the police might be too suspicious but at least most people don't really care too much if you disguise yourself.'

He stays quiet, wondering if the risk is even worth taking.

'Fine. lets just find something to take as we travel. We might have enough for a few buses and cabs if we buy cheap food here.'

'If we run out of money I don't want you stealing anymore.' She whispers to him in a stern tone.

The two find a simple disguise for the Tiger hybrid and make plans for their route back to her city, finding a shuttle that travels long distances for night hours. They take the opportunity to sleep for the trip while the vehicle is darkened by night and the few other occupants sit quietly in their seats listening to the slight humming of the running vehicle.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now