Chapter 18 - Apart

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Eventually only a few days were left and soon I won't need to help Kelly at the daycare center anymore, I'm sure Geonhak will be happy. Today I wanted to bring him a treat when I get home to make him feel better, he has waited so long for me everyday so I chose to make a large meat dinner for us tonight.

I'm excited to see the look on his face when he sees all the meat. On my way home I received a call from Youngjo.

'Hey y/n, did you want to do something today?'

'Uhm... Sorry I already had plans, what about tomorrow?'

There is a long moment of silence over the phone before I hear a long sigh.

'You're turning me down because of that hybrid, is that it?'

'No, that's not it. I really had something planned today.' I frantically try to explain to him before he gets the wrong idea.

Another sigh is heard from his end of the call.

'Ok.' Followed by the call being ended.

(I feel bad but I will try to give him more attention now that he seems to want to be around me again.)

My detour to buy the food takes longer than I was hoping with the lines at the store taking forever but eventually I made it home.

3rd POV
Y/n hurries up the stairs of the apartment building with the surprise for Geonhak but before opening the front door she sees that the lock is already undone.

CRASH! The sound comes from inside.

'Why are you even here huh!? Just go away!'

Y/n recognized that voice but there was no way it could be what she thought was happening.

She runs inside and finds nothing abnormal but hears another disturbing sound as if someone had been slammed into the wall. She hurries to find Youngjo and Geonhak fighting in her own room. Before, Youngjo had Geonhak under his control when they met but not this time.

'I've had enough of this.' She overheard Youngjo say as he was doing his best to hold Geonhak down on the floor but it was very difficult. Geonhak was able to push Youngjo to the side and swiftly punched him in the gut.

Geonhak: 'You act like I'm the dangerous one but you came here and attacked ME, if this is what you are then I will make sure someone like you isn't anywhere near y/n as long as I'm here.'

He lands a punch to his face and has to quickly hold Youngjos arms down in time to keep him pinned.

'You damn things are a disease, you don't have a purpose to exist and you make everything worse.' Youngjo yells in response.

One of his arms becomes free and he reaches for Geonhaks hybrid ears and pulls hard on them causing him to cry out in sad wails of pain.

(His ears are very sensitive, that must be worse pain than just any normal attacks.) Y/n thought as she rushed over to them.

Y/n didn't want to see anymore of this and pulled on Geonhaks shoulder to make him get off of Youngjo. After a few attempts to get his attention he finally stood up and stepped away, pulling y/n to the other side of the room with him.

Y/n: 'Geonhak can you go to your room?'

'What!?' He looked infuriated at her command.

'Just go!' She yelled to get him out of the room faster, startling him in the process.

After he left y/n stood back and waited for Youngjo to get up from the floor, Geonhak wasn't the only one completely pissed off now.

Y/n: 'Why are you here?! More importantly, why are you here attacking him!'

Youngjo took a second to clear the blood from his lips.

'I knew you lied to me on the phone, you weren't busy at all. You just wanted to spend time with him again and you didn't want me to even be here. He has to go.'

'He isn't going anywhere, in fact I'm keeping him.'


'This is my home, I choose who stays here.'

'Y/n doesn't my opinion matter at all? We were so close before he showed up.'

'No, it doesnt matter. I see what kind of person you are now, I wouldn't be with anyone that would hurt someone else that was innocent. It looks like YOU are more dangerous than my hybrid.'

Reader POV
-🚨18+ Start-

Suddenly Youngjo forcefully kisses me and pushes me onto the bed. His hands rushed to remove my clothing but I was not in the mood at all, his actions only made me angrier but I couldn't hold him off before my pants were being pulled off. I tried to call for help but my mouth was covered by his own and he was not letting my lips free. Once my pants were removed, he whispered in my ear as quietly as possible.

'Do you think that he will get jealous if I fuck you right here, knowing that he would hear every single sound we would make together?'

He chose his words carefully. He knew Geonhak could hear him whispering into my ear and spoke in a specific way to not seem like I was being forced into this, as he spoke he was slowly undoing his pants with his other hand.

'He's probably sitting there in his room frustrated over what we're about to do and you're the one that sent him away. Maybe he will even get a little excited himself listening in on us. Or maybe he will want to join us but there's no way I'd let that happen.'

I couldn't make a sound yet as he slid his pants lower from his waist.

'Make sure you sound like you really enjoy this, you can be as loud as you want.'

-🚨18+ End-

Geonhak bursts into the room nearly knocking the door off the hinges. Within seconds he grabs Youngjo by the arm and pulled him into the hallway. By the time I put my clothes back in order, Geonhak had already carried him onto the balcony. He had Youngjo leaning over the edge and held him by the shoulder to keep him from falling as he made his threats.

Geonhak: 'I wouldn't let that happen. You should apologize before I decide to drop you from this height.' He says in response to Youngjos whispers to you earlier.

We were only on the second floor but Geonhak acted like it would kill Youngjo, he threatened to push him over the side but saw I was watching from the window in his own room.

He looked away and dragged Youngjo to the stairs, leaving him there before coming back inside.
The last I saw of Youngjo was him getting further away from my building and disappearing into the distance.

I turned away from the window, walking out of the room and met Geonhak in the living room, he was still calming down from his rage and breathing heavily.

'He's gone for good, finally, you're all mine now.' He says to me with a serious look that lingered with anger from the recent event.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now