Chapter 48 - Sleep Before Burn

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She was released from the hospital days ago and had been home since. She never forgot though, that phone call and the man that demanded their baby. He was still out there. With the few hours of sleep she had, there were only nightmares. Scenarios of him coming to their home, visions of walking to the crib to see it empty. The feeling of never seeing their son again. The thoughts plagued her sleep regularly and Geonhak felt it taking its toll on her but at least she slept more than he did. Awake she was happy and pleased with her life but during the night he would cuddle more tightly to her when she had a bad dream and only then would she sleep peacefully.

He never had planned to sleep during the night anymore, he was also wary of the threat and the note they received, instilling the danger into him more greatly. The night was the most worrisome but also easier to listen to the surroundings, his ears twitched toward every odd noise but it would always be some small animal outside. He didn't fall asleep when the sunrise came, he waited for her to wake up. As long as one parent was awake he was allowed to sleep only then.


The baby cried often and kept Geonhak from sleeping when he had the chance. He could have slept in another room but that would not be as safe for anyone.

'Shhh shhh.'

Y/n picked up the wailing baby and patted its back. Geonhak wanted to close his eyes but instead watched the mother comfort her son and rock her arms back and forth. The cries didn't stop and Geonhak rose from the bed, giving up on sleep, and leaving to the bathroom. He splashed cold water over his face and stared in the mirror. His skin seemed less bright and face was thinner than normal, clearly from the lack of sleep and increase of stress.

Would he have to do this forever? He wondered, thinking about the many things he would have to protect his family from. A loud noise comes from the other room and he runs to only find that an item had been dropped and y/n attempting to recover it. He returns it to her with a smile, hiding his real exhaustion.

Returning to the bed he lays down and rubs his eyes, the curtains did little to make the room dark enough for an easy sleep to begin but he shielded himself with a blanket and tried to recover his energy. Soon enough, he rested his head and his mind went blank.

Visitors came to the door and knocked, Geonhak awoke interrupted, hoping that the unknown amount of time for rest was at least a good length. He heard y/n greeting them at the door and Kai stayed asleep in the crib, beginning to stir. He suspected that even the child had good hearing thanks to his extra set of ears, unfortunately y/n is not used to being so quiet now and it often caused the baby to wake up if there was too much noise.

Once the guests settled in, Geonhak tried to keep the baby sleeping but it did not seem to help, his last resort was to hum and fortunately when Kai laid back into the crib Geonhak left the room to see Kelly and her Tiger.

Tiger: 'So how is the new baby life?'

Y/n: 'It's not easy... at all. I am so tired.'

Kelly: 'Both of you look tired. Does he cry that much?'

Y/n: 'No it's not that. I mean... he has very sensitive hearing so anything could be too loud for him to stay sleeping.'

'I think you two need to let me babysit while you sleep for a day... or three.'

GH: 'NO. - No. Uh. I'm sure this is just a phase. His hearing will adjust enough for his sleep to not be disrupted so easily.'

Y/n: 'It will? You didn't mention that.'

GH: 'No one needs to worry about us. We will take care of him at all times.' He tells Kelly  with a, tired, straight, face.

Kelly: 'Right. Y/n can I see the baby? I'll be quiet I promise.'

She took her friend to their room. After they observed the sleeping bundle Kelly pulled out her phone and typed a message on her screen for y/n. She was aware Geonhak could hear them so typing was the only way to keep a secret conversation from his sharp ears.
I can tell he is lying to us. He doesn't even know you already told me what was happening. If this Joshua guy is trying to kidnap your baby he shouldn't be hiding that from us. We're closer than that.

Y/n Reply: He just got really worried about letting someone else watch him right now.

Kelly: Ok I get it but he needs to stop keeping secrets. Also what are you going to do about this threat?

Y/n glanced at the baby then covered her face with frustration and felt lost.

'I don't know yet.'

Y/n finished feeding and was finally able to go to bed. Geonhak came into the room to join her, she held his face in her hands and took a good, concerned, look at him. His skin was dulling and faded further from its normal healthy glow, his eyes were growing darkened skin underneath from lack of rest. He looked at her tiredly but tried to hide it behind a smile.

Tonight the three slept well, Geonhak was convinced, just this once, to sleep instead. She nearly begged him to go to sleep this time.

'You're hurting yourself. You're hurting me. You're putting us all in danger everytime you lose more hours of sleep. If something happened how could you do any good, your many hours of exercise will be pointless if you are too weak. Please. Come to bed.'

He can see the shine in her eyes from tears nearing the brim of falling. He gave in.


The night went by safely, the next day went by peacefully, THIS night was... unnerving.

They all slept. A long high pitched  whistle echoed into the house and woke only Geonhak. The whistle repeated again twice, he stood up and stared at the window. He kept the curtains shut, looking to their door and made sure it was locked.

The whistle faded and stopped. A robotic message came next.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now