Chapter 9 - Bath Time

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The next morning  y/n came out well rested, ready for another day. The first thing on her list was a warm bath and it went perfectly, no interruptions, no noise... suspiciously there was nothing at all happening outside the bathroom door. It didn't take long to realize Geonhak must have gone somewhere.
Reader POV
(Looks like I get the apartment to myself this morning.)

I grinned and sunk myself further into the bath, I can get a little time alone.
   A few hours passed and I was having a nice nap on my couch until I felt a presence nearby followed by a hand lightly touching my shoulder. Geonhak had picked up my cell phone that rested on my shoulder and moved it to the coffee table.

(I must have fallen asleep while using it.)

   'You're back, did everything go ok while you were out? At least you didn't get caught as a stray.'

   'Yeah everything is fine, I'm used to avoiding stray catchers.' He says reassuringly.

That was when I caught a whiff of dirt and a little body odor.

'Where did you go to anyway? You smell.'

(Now that I think about it he hasn't officially bathed since I found him a few days ago.)

'Why don't you go take a bath or something, right now.'

He wasn't amused at the thought, in fact he didn't move at all and kept looking down at me as if I wouldn't do anything about it if he resisted.

   'You want me to take a bath?? I have never done that on my own.'

(I internally facepalm at the new info. He can't be serious right?)

y/n : 'You're kidding...'

'No I really don't know how.'

I sigh at the new obstacle in front of me.

'haaah, well I guess you'll learn today.. um... first you need to go into the bathroom and undress, then once you have put on a towel let me know and I will come help. You understand?'

He nods and makes his way to the bathroom while I go to collect a clean set of clothes for him. It didnt take long before he called me in. As I entered everything seemed ok, the dirty clothes were replaced by a towel resting on his waist now.

(So far so good.)

I started the water and showed him how to operate the controls on his own until the bath was full enough. There was extra space in the back of the tub, a flat surface meant for products to set on, that was perfect to be used as a seat. Geonhak sat down into the water facing away from me waiting for me to start.
His tail shared the space between us where my feet were and I was careful not to step on it.

y/n : 'First you take this bottle and squeeze a little of the shampoo into your hand. Then you rub it into your hair.' I explained the steps as I did them and then let him try.

   After applying the conditioner to his hair he let out a sigh and his shoulders fell in disappointment.

y/n : 'What's wrong? You were doing fine at it.'

'But it isn't satisfying when I do it alone.' He turns his head and looks at me, it is at this point I notice that his tail was curled around my leg up to my knee.

Thinking nothing of it I generously applied the conditioner through his hair.

y/n : 'Ok this time I can do it for you but after this it's your turn.'

He sniffs the air. 'All of this stuff smells like you.'

'Well these are what I use on myself during a bath too.'

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now