Chapter 34 - Glad You're Here

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'Look at me. Are you.. crying?'

He sniffles again and finally looks back in her direction, small wet teardrops lining his eyelids, prepared to fall and stream down his face.

'Geonhak please tell me these are happy tears.' She says, her voice suddenly raspy and face showing an urgent need for his answer.

He takes only a few long seconds before answering, becoming the longest few seconds of her day.

'They are... but... I also feel regret.' He pouts, trying not to look away from her again but the direct eye contact is gradually getting more difficult to maintain.

'Wha~ regret??' Her hands come together and fingers nervously tangle together to avoid shaking too much.

'What if they look like me?
What if they have ears and a tail like me?
They will be treated the same way I was, and for their entire life they will be a target or a tool... I keep thinking, what if some guy wants to use my daughter for his own personal gain and no one will stop it.. or what if my son gets attacked or killed.' He looks up to keep the tears from escaping again, eyes shiny and clear. He bites his lips from the worrying dark ideas invading his mind.

She doesn't know what to say but it's evident he has more than enough feelings to express in her place which seemed odd to her. She wondered why she was so calm about this while he was struggling to even imagine the future.

'And because of me people will look at you like you're insane.' Then he goes quiet.

'They will think that but I haven't felt normal since you showed up anyway. I know it's like taboo but I'm not going to change anything now. Do you think you make me unhappy?'

'Hmm' His shoulders drop, unclear if it's caused by relief or feeling more depressed by her question.

Y/n: 'I know you don't feel great about this situation but~'

'I'm happier than ever y/n but I know things will be hard, don't misunderstand.' He says defensively.

'O-Okay I get it there is just something we have to get past first.'

He looks at her confused.

Y/n: 'Well.. first, I have mostly been worried... about my parents.'

Suddenly he tenses up in fear, his shoulders frozen in a raised position and he holds his breath.

Y/n: 'What's wrong?'

He buries his face into his hands, words sounding slightly muffled as his head shakes left to right.

'Your parents are going to hate you and especially me, I'm worried what's going to happen to us, we will be alone without your family.'

'My parents aren't evil... but I can't be sure how they will take this news and I don't think they would abandon us.. if that's what you meant. That doesn't matter though, I only care about the people I see everyday and they won't disappear, one of those people are sitting in front of me.'

She smooths her hand over the back of his shirt. The silence takes over as they think to themselves about their future obstacles and neither can find the right words anymore.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now