Chapter 8 - A Saturday Walk

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The next morning  y/n had woken up to her cell phone ringing, it was already noon and she was receiving a call. Half awake she reached for her phone to read the ID, it displayed her parents on the screen. The call didn't last long but was just long enough for her mother to nag at her for still being in bed.

(Mom has always complained about anything I do, she always meant well. At least that part of my life wasn't going to change much.) y/n thought while selecting the 'end call' option on the screen.

After hanging up she figured it was useless to go back asleep so food was the next thing on her mind. Stepping out of the room she opened a small gap in the door of what was now Geonhaks room. He was not there and the bed was left in a small mess of blankets and pillows.
   y/n sighed. 'This guy doesn't seem to stay in one place for long.'
Just then, the TV in the living room had been turned on.
   Entering the living space of the apartment, she saw some of her possessions scattered around the room and out of place. Books were on the floor, decorations were moved to the couch, and something new sitting in front of the TV. That something was Geonhak, he looked interested in the technology that was at the entertainment center.
   As he was trying the buttons of the remotes, she was quietly standing behind the couch observing him. Y/n wondered why he was acting this way, those devices were nothing special.
   He held his concentration to the television and continued to explore the channels. His eyes never leaving the screen as he spoke.

'I know you are there.'

His back may have been turned to her but he was aware the very second she entered the living room.

   y/n : 'How did you know I was here? My floor is carpeted I know it doesn't make any noise.' She says confused.

Geonhak : 'Didn't you know hybrids have superior senses? I even heard you talking to your mom, by the way I agree with her, you slept in too late today.' He mentions, turning to look in her direction. The comment offended her a little.

   'What?! but its Saturday everyone sleeps in on the weekend, wait... why do you care how long I sleep anyway?'

'Because I'm hungry.' he says, still looking back at her with almost pouty like eyes.

   She was caught off guard but not surprised, most hybrids were not able to care for themselves and any food remaining in her home required a microwave or actually cooking.
   Having seen the packages of uncooked, and partially eaten, food on the coffee table she assumed he did his best to eat what he could find in the kitchen.

   'You're hungry? Okay then lets go to town and get food, but you have to be nicer to me from now on.' 

   Y/n thought of this as the perfect opportunity to strike a deal with him to make his stay easier for the both of them.


He let out a sigh and stood up, walking toward the front door, silently agreeing to the deal.
On the way into town, Geonhak got many looks but that was a normal reaction to any predatory type hybrid. They normally have a slightly bigger build than most and because of it everyone was more cautious around them, especially now with the recent attacks on the news.

'Geonhak what do you want to eat?' The sudden direct question from her left him surprised.

She, a human, was actually asking him , a lowly hybrid, for his opinion on what to do. Keeping his stone faced composure he gave one simple answer.


y/n : 'Really? is that all?

'Mhmm.' He confirms.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now