Chapter 10 - Learning and Conflict

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After Kelly had left that night I was busy thinking about her questions, she asked about things I never considered would be an issue but finding answers would be a good idea.
   I was focused intensely on my phone trying to find information, distracted and barely noticing my surroundings.
   The bathroom door opened and Geonhak came out and sat next to me on the couch. Without a word he lifted me up and placed me in his lap between his legs. His arms wrapped around me from behind and hugged me with a tight grip as he rested his chin on my shoulder, breaking my concentration from my phone.

'You wanted to cuddle again? I thought the bath from earlier was enough. I don't mind but can you not hold me so tight, its... hard to breathe.' I say honestly.

   'You have no idea what hybrids need do you, of course earlier wasn't enough for me.'

He loosened his arms a little, giving me more room to sit comfortably. I decided to take a break and put my phone down then turned on the television. He leaned back into the couch as I leaned back into his chest watching whatever was on screen, in time we both fell asleep in that same position.

   I woke up after a short nap and looked at the time, only twenty minutes had passed. Geonhak was still completely asleep, head still resting on my shoulder, his calm breathing  was loud and clear. His body felt very warm and comforting against my back and his arms had fallen to rest on my lap, loosely holding my waist as he slept.

(How long will he be like this? He is more like an affectionate cat right now compared to the scary Lion I first met in the alley.)

I brought out my phone looking for answers about this thing he mentioned earlier in the bathroom. What is a "Heat"?
   There were plenty of forums and sites to help me learn everything I needed to know as a beginner.

Website Article:
   Because of their genetics, hybrids will experience a time where their sex drive is increased dramatically. A heat can be triggered by the Spring season, pornography, the scent of another in heat, or by medicine that is commonly used in breeding programs.      
   Sometimes hybrids in this phase can cause a temporary heat to others in the same vicinity. It is recommended to keep them secluded from others during this time to avoid problems, preferably caged or chained up. The most popular form of control is through specified medicine that should be taken daily once there are signs of it appearing and until the effects disappear.
   In most cases these two ways are enough to control their urges. Some owners avoid any responsibility and send their hybrid off to a facility to breed with others and return when back to normal. Predator types require more extreme measures. Their strength makes them more difficult to contain and it only increases at this time if no medication is used.
Prey type hybrids normally last three to four days while predador types take four to seven days to complete the heat cycle.
                        Side effects:
-Increased hunger
-Strong attachment and protectiveness toward members of the opposite sex
-Hightened senses
-Greater aggression or violence toward members of the same sex
(Well that was interesting. At least it doesn't sound too complicated. Everything makes sense now.)

'Looks like you were curious about what I told you.' He whispered in my ear.

'How long have you been awake?'

'When you brought your phone out you woke me.'

'So this whole time you were spying on my phone, some people don't like that you know. Lucky for you, I won't get mad this time.'

'Some people don't like their sleep being interrupted like you did to me. You should apologize.' I can hear the smirk in his voice.

Finally I stand up, turn to face him and laugh playfully.
'You want me to apologize for ruining your catnap? I wasn't expecting you to value sleep so much.'

Geonhak : 'Today I'm feeling extra tired but if you didn't feel like making an apology you shouldn't be surprised when I get my revenge.'

y/n : 'Somehow that doesn't scare me, anyway there's something I need to do before it gets too late.' I mention, starting to walk away until he reaches for my arm to hold me back.

'Wait. what are you going to do about me?' He suddenly looks serious, his lion ears flattening.

Looking back at him I respond with confusion.
'What do you mean?'

'You read the article, are you going to send me away until I'm normal again?'

   Finally it became apparent what he was asking about, the heat.

'That's crazy, you are normal no matter what phase you're going through and no, there was no way I was going to send you away to some breeding facility full of strangers during this sensitive time... unless, you wanted to.'

The thought of him going somewhere like that depressed me, hopefully he felt the same.

My response made him giggle.
'But you are a stranger too, there isn't any difference where I go.'

(Does he really still think of me as a stranger after what I did for him already? I guess he sees me like everyone else.)

His remark irritated and saddened me too easily. My words were now being driven by my hurt emotions.

   'If you really want to compare me to a stranger then say the word, I will sign you up to go if you ask me to, I won't care.'
     (Maybe that was too much.)
3rd POV
His cold demeanor made a reappearance after being absent for many days. There was nothing he wanted to say to her anymore. Geonhak could have challenged her and accepted the offer she, in the heat of anger, gave him but he couldn't do it.
   He wanted to stay with her but admitting it to himself was hard and being able to tell her would be impossible right now.

The relationship between the two suddenly became strained, caused by what he said to her, not expecting her to interpret his words so negatively.

Seeing her angry was new to him and he had no idea how to react. Showing anger toward her might be too frightening, once he becomes angry others would normally respond in fear but he didn't want to let that happen.

He stood up from the couch and retreated to his room, leaving her behind. Questions filled his head as he was trying to fall asleep.
   He wanted to be around her, the first human he felt comfortable around, but will she allow him to stay? Where would he go if told to leave?
Each thought was too upsetting, during this sensitive time when he felt the need to be near her the most, the conflict and separation from her were more painful than ever.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now