Chapter 46 - Singing Snow

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I was the first to wake the next morning. I snuck away from the couch, not disturbing the sleeping man laid across it. His lips pursed out cutely and eyebrows softened, his arms set over his front, remaining in the same position they were when holding me before having moved  away from him. I kneeled in front of the sofa, taking in his scent after another urge arises to smell him, he hardly stirred when I did.

I stepped toward the bathroom and shut the door before turning the shower on and undressing from my newer, larger, maternity clothing. My feet were harder to see now on the floor, soon that will change. The warm water trickled down my skin, just as I finished with the conditioner the curtain shuffles and I can feel a tall body enter the shower and stand  close behind me. I remained in place, not even needing to turn around. I already know by the smell of the air who it was.

'You shouldn't be standing up in here without me around.'

'I forgot... and didn't I ask you not to not bathe anymore?'

He chuckles. 'Why would I agree to that when I will miss out on doing this?'

Geonhak grabs the sponge and adds soap before wrapping his arms around me to help me stand safely, running the sponge across my chest, over my collarbone, around my round stomach and unexpectedly between my legs. Startled, my hand swiftly chlutches his other arm that is fastened securely over my chest and he holds me still with it until he is done.

'I will help you clean anywhere you have trouble reaching. Sit down now and I will start a bath.'

'Actually, I don't want a bath. I want to eat, and I'm really hungry.'

'Fine, let me help you out of here then.' He lays towels over the floor before I am helped out to get dressed while he finished cleaning himself quickly, humming a song as he did.

(Ah. What a weird feeling. Why now?)



'I felt something.'

He turns his head away from the water, eyes wide and hands pausing in his hair, interrupting the rinsing process.

'A kick? Was it a kick?' He finishes quickly and cuts the water before walking over to me, his strong hand splayed over my bump as soon as it could reach. He waited.

Y/n: 'Theres no more, it was only once.'

He pouts over being too late but he gets dressed and picks up the towels.

GH: 'What do you want to eat today? I'll make anything.'

'I want waffles... you like to cook and do chores a lot don't you?

'It's all I know, besides shopping or television. I do like cooking ever since you showed me.'

'You know a lot more than the microwave now. You used to take large bites out of my noodle packages.'

He gathers the waffle mix and turns on the griddle and I sit at the table watching him enjoy the activity until he begins to hum again, even nodding his head to the tune this time. I admire his features until I feel it.

'It happened again!'

He finds the time to come feel but is disappointed when there is nothing. He walks back to the griddle with a whiny tone to his words.

'Ah y/n you aren't messing with me right? I didn't feel a thing.'

'I'm not. Maybe they are trying to play with you.'

'Like hide and seek?' He laughs sarcastically.

Y/n: 'That makes sense to me.'

'Heh. Well if they don't stop hiding then as soon as they come out they're going to be in trouble.'

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now