Chapter 27 - Finally Found Me

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Geonhak climbs through the window to see the scene before him of the Tiger hybrid approaching me with my back against the wall. he acts quickly, putting himself between us, standing face to face with the tiger acting like an impenetrable wall and making the other hybrid stop in his place before getting close.
He notices the fresh dark bruise that formed on my skin.

'Y/n. What happened to your leg? Did you do that?' He asks turning back to the tiger.

'Wait!' I knew a fight would happen if I didn't intervene soon enough.

'Geonhak don't do anything, lets just go, we can get out of here.'

Ignoring the other man, eventually he decides to agree with me and kneels down.

'Get on my back.'


'This is only the second floor. I can get us both down so get on.'

Without question I hurry to follow his orders and get onto his back. Quietly he climbs through the opening of the window to the outside and we hang over the edge, his hands gripped tightly on the bottom of the windowsill as they were the only things holding us up. I was more worried the frame would break rather than his grip to fail.

The other hybrid doesn't react as if silently accepting our choice to escape, knowing this will only be making his night less troublesome once we're gone.

We descend carefully and with little struggle until we reach the soft green grass of the yard behind the house and I try to release my hold around his neck but he repositions my arms back in place, refusing to put me down.

A finger rises before his lips to hush me as he looks back in my direction.

'Don't make a sound, I'll do all the hard work.' He says before running toward the trees to find cover.

I was sure we would be caught trying to scale the fence but he did it so fast and effortlessly that we were long gone from the estate without anyone knowing. His strength and agility still surprises me.

Eventually someone would find out we were gone but for now our goal was to get as much distance as possible from the estate. I was unsure of what the tiger hybrid would do after our escape but fortunately no one was aware the two of us was gone. I was hoping he would have escaped too now that he had the chance but I'll never know that answer.

Geonhak ran for what seemed like forever and his breathing became heavy but he kept going. It must have been even more exhausting having to carry me on his back.

'We should stop for the night.' I ask of him almost as a request.

'Y/n we have to get far away. They will be looking for us soon and all we can do is run, I'm not stopping.'

It was time for him to listen to me for once and this time I wanted him to do what I ask.

'Geonhak stop! My leg is starting to hurt.' My leg felt fine enough to continue but I wanted to convince him in any way to stop running even if I have to use my injury as the reason.

He halts immediately just remembering that my leg was hurt and thinking his actions might have been causing me more pain. I was put down carefully against a tree and he kneels down to look closely at the large bruise, having little trouble examining it while my eyes are still struggling to adjust in the dark.

'What did he do to you?' His thumb barely trails over the dark stained skin but it causes me to hiss at the sharp feeling with my leg feeling extra vulnerable to the pain.

'It wasn't him it was someone else, I don't know if it's broken but it hurts so much to walk.' Just noticing our situation, I regret that I won't be any help while we are stuck hiding out here in the forest and that fact worried me as much as it depressed me.

He spoke to regain my attention knowing my feelings were becoming negative from my own thoughts.
'Y/n we can stay here for only a short time but we have to get out of the forest at least.'

Y/n: 'You look exhausted and the air is getting too cold for you to keep running, can we at least sleep?'

He sighs but agrees. 'Y/n come here.'

He moves my postition avoiding my leg and sets himself against the cold tree with me sat in front of him, my back comfortably against his chest. He removes his own shirt and places it onto me as another layer, then holds me tight against him with his warm arms crossed over me to cover as much surface as he can.

Even now he feels like a large heater against my back while the chilling air has no affect on him or his health, unlike me, an inferior human. His legs surrounded my own, keeping them warm as we sat there for the night. Without him it would be difficult to be comfortable enough to rest, if it was even possible to survive these temperatures at all but he is here and I am warm.

I didn't know.

This warmth.

Won't stay forever.

'Lion' Leedo/Geonhak x Reader - ONEUS 18+Where stories live. Discover now