Chapter 2: ...but can you trust me?

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I opened my eyes and seen I was the first one awake. I scanned the room as I was getting up and noticed Asta was on the ground with his pillow over his head while Nash was rolled up on the corner of the bed with their blanket. I looked over my shoulder and noticed my girls were still in their spots peacefully asleep. Lastly, I looked over to Yuno and Holo. Holo was still very much sound asleep but Yuno, he was facing towards my direction which I found strange because he doesn't move at all while he sleeps.

[Did he.....was he looking at me before he fell asleep? Naaaaaaah.....he wouldn't have. Especially with that awkward spat we had last night. But I mean, maybe he was looking at me because he felt bad. Or maybe he likes me and wanted to see me one last time before closing his eyes like the way I did. NO! Vanellope get that out of your head!]

I shook my head. I grabbed my clothes from the closet and walked out the room towards the bathroom and began my daily routine. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, fixed my hair, changed my clothes and cleaned the mess I made which included folding my clothes that I slept in. However, I leaned over the sink and looked at myself in the mirror and thought,

[Could I ever become the Wizard King? Am I good enough to be a magic knight? What if I'm not strong enough to defeat anyone? Why am feeling this way? *grabs head* These thoughts have to be happening because of my argument with Yuno.....I just hope tomorrow I feel better when I wake up because we get our grimoires and I have to be in my best state of mind.]

I was still lost in thought when I walked out the bathroom which lead to bumping into someone which caused me to start sneezing uncontrollably. As I was sneezing, they put their hands up while apologizing.

Yuno: Oh no, Vanellope. I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I didn't see you and...

Me: No, No. Yun..*sneeze*..o it was me. I wasn't..*sneeze* paying attention and *sneeze*..

Yuno quickly went to the bathroom behind me and grabbed some tissues for me. When he came back to me with the tissues, I wiped my nose and the irritation of the hit finally went away and I stopped my sneezing. 

Me: *sniffly* Thank you. *wiping* I hate when that happens, my allergies just go haywire. 

Yuno: I bet. I'm glad to see you're fine now. By the way, Sister Lily needs our help with the laundry. 

Me: Kk.

I started walking away from Yuno and...

Yuno: about last night, you're still my number one rival. I'm still wondering about Asta as my rival.

Me: *turns around* I just don't know what to say anymore Yuno. Look, I do apologize for my outburst and insults last night but, I still think you should consider Asta a rival. He has shown us so many times that anything is possible, especially when we were kids. 

Yuno: *confused* you almost speak about him as if you're in love. 

That comment completely caught me by surprise.

[What an idiot! How can he say some shit like that. If only you knew! I thought you were smart Yuno but my gawd! You are so oblivious!!]

Me: Eeeeehhhhhh?? Well...of course I love Asta but like a brother. He is our family after all, just like you. 

Yuno: So you love me as a brother?

Me: Uuuuhhhh well no but I do love you...*lost for words* NO WAIT! Hold on, I....

Yuno: So then you love me like a "lover"?

Me:*super animated* Me love you? like a lover? whaaaaaaaat? Noooooo. You're crazy Yuno. *panic* well gotta get the kids ready to help Sister Lily with the laundry.

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