Chapter 51: Nobles, Royals, Who cares...Rivals are Rivals.

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Me: *rubbing eyes* Damn it.

Yuno: Vannelope!

I was trying to rub the dirt out of my eyes as Alecdora had thrown sand right into my vision. With my eyes fully shut, Yuno was running up to me with concern flooding his whole being. I can feel Noelle running up with him as well and gasping about my condition. When they got to me, I can feel Yuno place his hands over mine. As he brought them down, he said.

Yuno: Don't rub them anymore, the particles in the sand can ruin your eyes since the pebbles can cut your corneas.

I nodded as he tried observing them. In frustration, Yuno groaned silently. My mouth formed a frown as I felt bad for making Yuno worry about me again. Noelle suggested in a very timid tone.

Noelle: I can help you, Vannelope. If you let me.

I couldn't see where she was standing so while I still faced Yuno's direction, I answered.

Me: Of course Noelle, thank you.

Feeling Yuno's hands go away from me and his feet moving to the side, Noelle stood in front of me and was about to use her water magic to help when...

Solid: You can't control your magic! How can you help?!

Me: How about you shut you mouth!

I had no idea that I yelled in the wrong direction when Noelle commented.

Noelle: Uhhh, you're facing the wrong way.

Me: Oh...oops.

I can hear Alecdora snicker and say in a condescending manner.

Alecdora: Well, if she can't see then she can't control our magic.

{I didn't realize that in order for me to control someone's magic, I have to be able to see. I can control my environment when I feel myself connect to nature with it's natural elements but in people, I don't think I can do the same.}

[Shit! Alecdora actually got the upper hand.]

Me: *mumbles under breath* What a bitch move.

Noelle: *responds* I agree with you on that.

Noelle was dusting me off when she asked,

Noelle: Can you hold your breath? I'm going to use my water magic to wash away the sand.

I nodded as I held my breath. In an instant, Noelle splashed water into my eyes. It kinda threw my head back a bit with impact as Noelle sorta splashed me a bit hard. After I let out a cough, I rubbed my eyes with my cape. Blinking rapidly, I was able to regain my vision and start to see Yuno and Noelle standing in front of me. With a smile, I said.

Me: Thanks guys.

Both: No problem.


Asta instantly escaped causing Solid to get over irritated. Once again, Solid challenged Asta to another battle when a dense and heavy source of mana flooded the room causing chills to crawl up our spines. Nozel came forth and spoke in a serious manner.

Nozel: Do not allow such a mere commoner have you use your grimoire so easily. *towards me* Do not think that this occurrence has stopped me from stepping away from your existence.

I gave him a glaring expression when the Captain of the Crimson Lions spoke up.

Fuegoleon: This has gone far enough.

Then...everything stopped.

Fuegoloen: What are you thinking ganging up on a couple of youths? Where is your sense of honor?

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