Chapter 44: Ness.

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After the kiss with Yuno, I got the idea to make a bag made of long leaves that weaved within themselves to carry our stuff. While we walked quietly to the church, I used my air magic to quickly fan myself so I wouldn't appear so red in the face. It was very unusual for us both to be this quiet with each other but we were both so flustered from the kiss that we were inaudible.

{Yuno and I may not be talking but I see it as a good thing since now I can just think about his squishy cheek! *giggles*}

When we got close to the church, we seen Asta was doing some push-ups in the front yard. I smiled seeing him in his "natural state" while Yuno rolled his eyes saying,

Yuno: Why do you always have to be such a meat-head?

Asta: *grunting* You're just jealous that I can do 1000 pushups when you can't even do one.

Yuno: I can do more than one.

Asta: Want to bet?!

Me: Let's not start again guys, we have our day off so let's get along.

Both: FIne.

Asta: What took you guys so long to get here? *teasing* Were you guys kissing?

Asta was raising his eyebrows up and down with a stupid-comical cheeky grin while my face blew up red and Yuno's eyes went wide. Yuno quickly got his composure together and just stated,

Yuno: Shut up Asta.

I quickly did my hardest to cool myself off when Asta commented.

Asta: Geez Vanellope, what's with you?

Me: *high pitch* Nothing! Just, Just...just shut up!

Asta: Seems like Yuno is rubbing off on you. You're getting mean.

Me: I've always been mean Asta.

Yuno: I can vouch and say you haven't ever been mean.

Me: that's a huge lie!

As we continued, we heard the kids giddy voices as they ran out the church to greet us; following behind was Eri charging right at us with her tongue flapping around in total joy. Yuno and I opened our arms in glee as Eri went straight for Yuno, tackling him down and drenching him in saliva. Holo and Aururu came straight to me. I hugged them both tightly but Holo plunged to my neck like a little monkey as I stood up. Making sure he doesn't fell down and hurt himself, I held him from his bottom as he sat comfortably on my fore arm. Recca came and hugged me as I hugged her back with one hand. Nash just gave me a fist bump since he feels awkward hugging anyone. We laughed at Yuno since he was still being over-run by Eri. Laughing, Aururu tugged on my dress stating,

Aururu: Asta told us you have gifts for us?

Holo: Yeah presents!

I looked at Asta annoyed as I said,

Me: Way to go blabber mouth, I wanted it to be a surprise.

Asta: How was I suppose to know??

Me: Fair point. *turns to kids* Let's go inside to the living room so you can get your gifts.

Cheers escaped the kids mouths as we went inside and Yuno asked,

Yuno: Can you dry me up?

Me: I sure can.

And with one simple swoop, Yuno was good as new. He smiled as Eri came by my side and I pet her soft little head. When we entered the living room, Sister Lily greeted us from the walkway.

Sister Lily: Welcome home you two. *smiles*

Yuno: *smiles* It's good to be home.

Me: *hugs her* Like wise. We always miss home.

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