Chapter 36: Black Bulls To the Rescue!

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???: Hey, You! Freaky-Lookin' Pale Dude!! Keep Your Hands Off These Two! They're Not Yours To Fight! They're My Rivals!!

I let out a huge sigh of relief.

[The heaviness of turmoil has been lifted off my heart. Seeing Asta here and saving Yuno has brought me so much reassurance. Not to mention, I didn't tell Yuno how I felt so it definitely prevented a super awkward encounter or "talk" after this mission. PHEW!!!!]

As Asta was landing on his feet, Yuno looked at him shocked. Yuno probably thought no one was watching him but he let out a sigh and smiled. However, he reverted back to stoic self and stated.

Yuno: You can't be serious. Just when I thought I had paid my debt to you.

Asta: *annoyed* I can't believe it. I finally catch up to you guys, and your both seconds away from being killed!

As they continued their back-and-forth banter, Noelle quickly came to me. She bent down and gently got a grip of me. Noelle helped me up to my feet and dusted me off. I painfully smiled at her as I winced by the sudden movement. Noelle was beyond caring to me...I feel absolutely grateful.

Me: Noelle, thank you so much.

Noelle: There's no time for that right now, you're badly injured.

Me: *nervous laugh* Yeah but I'll be fine.

Noelle: *rolls eyes* You are just like Asta.

She smacked her lips and let out a "Ah" as if she got a bright idea.

Noelle: I know what will help.

She turned around and pulled out a long scarf from her satchel. Noelle carefully wrapped it around my body and broken arm. I couldn't help but smile at her while she fixed me up. Though she is a royal, and doesn't let anyone forget it, Noelle is subconsciously helping us change society.

Me: Noelle, you are the best. I can't thank you enough for this.

She was still tying up the scarf but began to blush slightly at my comment.

Noelle: Well you know, it's my duty to help my fellow magic knights. Especially if they are my friend.

[Awwww!! Noelle is so cute!]

As she finished up, she turned to her satchel and pulled out a handkerchief. She splashed some of her water magic onto it and made the cloth damp. Noelle reached over to my face and ever so gently wiped off some of the blood. While she did, I can overhear Asta and Yuno fighting as usual. They began making their way towards us as the bickering continued.

Yuno: Mind your business Asta. I was this close to taking him down.

Asta: That's a lie! And You Know It!

Yuno: No, I was about to launch a very damaging counterattack.

[Of course, Yuno always has to try and "play it kewl" but I know that he knows he wouldn't have survived that hit. If he did survive, who knows if he would've lived long enough to get aid from anyone. Deep down, I know he's grateful for Asta's sudden appearance.]

Asta: *scoffs* Ugh, that's just like you, Yuno.

Yuno: Are you done interfering?

Asta: *even more offended and scoffs* Excuse me?? 

Yuno: You can go now...*walks directly to me* I got to attend to someone.

Asta: *follows* Hey! Get back here Yuno. I ain't done with you!

They both proceeded with their ridiculous but funny argument. Chuckling to myself, I noticed the diamond mage. He was watching us with a confused expression. Suddenly he grabbed his head and started to groan as he bent over. They seemed to be in such deep turmoil and agonizing distress.

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