Chapter 20: The Black Bulls Join the "Battle"!

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2 months had passed since Yuno and I joined the Golden Dawn. Within that time frame, a lot has happened. Yuno and I became a lot closer than we already were. Who would've thought that was possible! When we decided to separate ourselves from everyone, things became pretty great. We constantly trained with each other which lead to us pushing one another to our limits. There were those rare times we trained by ourselves just to see how we could improve on our own.

Although we excluded ourselves from the members, there are times where they would randomly come up to us and tell us shit to our faces but we wouldn't acknowledge it and just walk off. Speaking of "the group", Yuno and I found it strange that the Captain hasn't ordered us to do anything, not even patrol or basic "duties". However, we did hear that he has been very absent lately and we all just assumed it had to do with being a captain. Anyways, let's speak more about what Yuno and I have been doing aside from magic knight stuff. Even though, this was all happening and decided to exclude ourselves, I was always surprised to see there was a cute letter left at my door step from time to time. Guess who it was from? It was the sweetest human ever, Mimosa! Her letters contained some of the most cutest phrases, quotes, and advice. One letter said "Thank you for wanting to be my friend!". Another one stated "a good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have". Then the adorable advice like "Stay warm and safe Vanellope. I can't let you get sick before we have our girl's day". I told her in one of the letters that once we go on our first mission and succeed, I promised her we would have our girl's day. Her adorable heart would even leave sweet treats or baked goods; sometimes she would put in her notes that it was ok to share with Yuno because he is my family. I'd return the gestures and do the same things for her and even left her a cute little pink piggy plushy. Not because she reminds me of a "pig" or anything like that but it was the cutest thing I saw at the store. It had green eyes like her with an adorable red bow on it like her cape and had a spiral tail with a blue fake gem at the end of it. I put in the letters that I was very sorry for not talking to her because I just didn't want to bring her any problems with anyone and she understood. She said the letters were more than enough to keep her happy and not feel so lonely.

[Gawd, I love her so much! One day, I'll make it up to her!]

Yuno and I were very much stuck like glue and never were seen without one another; if one saw Yuno in a room, you best believe I was there or vice versa. We would eat alone at the table, or take our food to our rooms, or we would tell the cooks that we would like to cook our own food which they didn't mind at all. I found it so much fun to cook with Yuno since he was so lost about everything and anything. He was such a dork about it and would just let me take lead. There were even times where I would convince Yuno to come with me late at night to eat some snacks which would then be followed by us staying up late talking about random stuff like: homesickness, things about life and death, our goals after we see who becomes the Wizard King, and so much more.

There was this one very convenient time where Yuno had something to do within the base that I took that opportunity to go into town and get him some stuff for his birthday. I was able to get him a gift, some balloons, and a cake with birthday candles. He was so surprised to see it and couldn't be more grateful. I sang him happy birthday, watched him open the gift I got him, which was a new jacket since it's going to get very cold soon. We ate the entire cake and were stuffed! We enjoyed the double-fudge chocolate cake with strawberry filling and creamy frosting. *frantic* Want to know what the best part was?? The best part was when he had removed some frosting from my face with his finger and then he proceeded to eat it!! *fangirls*

[Let me tell you that I was screaming internally inside when that happened. Even though he was nonchalant about it, Yuno had no idea what he had done to me in that moment.]

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