Chapter 65: Belle.

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Yuno and I began to walk to our rooms but I wanted to do one more thing before being alone. As Yuno had turned to enter his room and I stood in front of mine, I thought,

[If I don't do this now, I'll regret it.]

I turned around and went behind Yuno without him noticing. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I leaned forward and tightened the grip on Yuno with leaning my head onto his back. A small gasp was heard from him as he stood in place not knowing what to do. For a moment, we just stood there; I soaked in his scent, his body, and how he just fit perfectly with me.

Yuno: *struggles* is..thi...s f..or?

Me: *loving* It's, for being there for me. I just needed to show my gratitude but it was sort of "unplanned". Though, I did hear a back hug has a "loving and grateful" gesture as it also shows the person giving the hug that they will always "have your back" and "protect" them which is exactly what I want to do for you.

I can feel Yuno start to turn around as I loosened my grip and took a step back. He then wrapped himself all over me and we now had our most famous type of hug where we can feel each other's "care" for one another. The way his arms wrapped around my head and my arms circled around his torso with my head leaning onto his chest while his chin rested on top of me. It was a hug we hated breaking apart. This is the hug I needed after a long and horrible event.

{Getting a hug from someone you truly love makes you feel just so much better.}

Yuno: *into hug* Will you be ok on your own?

Me: I believe, so?

Yuno: You don't seem so sure.

Me: Well, if I do need someone...may I come to your room?

Yuno: *chuckles* Since when do you need to ask to come into my room? You always just barge in.

Me: *chuckles* I don't know. *serious* ....I just felt like such a burden these past couple days, I just didn't want to add more crap.

Yuno: *sighs* How many times do I have to say this? You are not a burden.
Me: I truly hope so Yuno.

Yuno: You don't need to hope. I'm with you til' the end.

We pulled back as he gave me "his" smile.

His famous "Yuno smile".

The only smile that I get to experience as no one else gets to see it but me.

I smiled back.

Yuno: Get some rest. You must be exhausted.

Me: *yawns* I really am.

Yuno: Hurry off and get some rest, *winks* I have something special to show you.

I perked up suddenly and my tiredness instantly left...for now that is.

Me: *too adorable* What Is It?!

Yuno: *shakes head* I shouldn't have said anything.

Me: *cute/annoying* Awwww Yunooo...Plllleeeaasssseee?

Yuno: *caves in* Fine. Fine. Come into my room.

I nodded and followed him into his room. He closed the door and gestured me to sit on his bed. Kicking my feet like a happy child, he came by me and grabbed his grimoire. Yuno opened it and flipped a few pages until the grimoire shone brightly. Wind blew all around the room while I began to glow along with Yuno. Moments passed......


Wings popped out of his grimoire while a tiny back followed suit. I was so stunned by what I was seeing and couldn't make out what the hell was happening. A strand of blonde hair plopped up as a full body "human like creature" came out fully from the book!! They were so fucking adorable!! But, when she fully was out and the chaos stopped, my jaw dropped when I realized,

Yuno: I can assume you remember her, right?

Me: *nods* do. She appeared in front of us when the diamond mage almost killed Asta, Mimosa, and I.

Yuno: *sigh* Please don't remind me. Anyways, I was finally able to have her in my control and get her out of my grimoire.

Me: *happy gasp* Yuno! This is so awesome! I'm just so proud of you!

He had a hint of blush on his cheeks as his eyes widened in joy.

{To be honest, I didn't get to see his cute state as I was too fixated on the creature.}

While looking at her, I couldn't help but feel so much familiar emotions towards it.

Yuno: I decided to name her Belle.

I snapped out of it and asked,

Me: Like the fairytale story Sister Lily would read to us when we were kids?

Yuno: Exactly. I figured the appearance of both of them are extremely uncaning and I couldn't help it.

At this moment, "Belle" and I were just staring at each other and didn't break eye-contact.

Yuno: I can't tell if you like each other or dislike each other.

Me: I honestly couldn't tell you.

In that very moment, Belle flew up to my face. She let out a little *chime* noise as she, hugged my cheek! I let out an exasperated giggle as she rubbed her face against my cheek. Yuno chuckled at our interaction.

Me: I think she likes me now!

Yuno: She must truly be fond of you, Vanellope. I wouldn't see why not, you really are amazing.

Yuno's compliment brought my full attention to him. Smiling he continued,

Yuno: If it wasn't for you yesterday, during our fight with the witch, I couldn't been able to get Belle out of the grimoire. I'm sorry the spell "literally" blew you away from me. It wasn't my intention. I just had no control of the spell as it was immensely powerful. I hope you're not mad at me. I know you going away form me helped me learn to control the power Belle had and I was able to quickly control the situation.

Me: *unknown for words* Wow. I had, no idea. I'm not mad at you at all. I truly understand the situation so please don't think I'd be mad at you. I truly couldn't be mad at you, Yuno. I'm just so happy for you. But like my Uncle Julius said, "take good care of her".

Yuno: I will. I'll protect her, grow with her and most of all, appreciate her; Just like I do with you.

Me: *touched* Yuno...

Yuno: I mean, I was also able to get her to "activate" whenever I felt like I was going to break my promise to you. The dungeon, the invasion, she always came out when I needed her. *looks me in the eyes* Thank you, Vannellope.

Me: *blushing* I—I—, you're welcome, Yuno. 

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