Chapter 5: I'll Make You Both Proud.

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~[Flashback-10 years ago}~

???: Vanellope!! Dinner is ready!

Me: I'm coming Mama! *turns to Eri* Come on Eri! Mama is calling us.

Eri let out a tiny bark. She was only about 3 months old and all she could do was let out a small bark and a low howl. We ran towards my home. The closer we got, the scent from Mama's cooking grew larger.

[Mama made her famous pork stew! Everyone loved my mother's cooking, especially papa and I. But her most famous dish, was her pork stew. People begged for her recipe that even the noble's wanted it but my mama wouldn't give it to them. They would ask for her to cook her dish for them time and time again. No matter how much money was offered to her for the recipe, she never revealed her secret and told me that one day she will teach it to me so I can cook it for my family.]

I ran inside the house and seen my father already sitting at the dining room table. He was smoking a cigar while reading the newspaper. I walked to my chair and sat there waiting as my mom finished setting the table. My father folded up the newspaper and placed his cigar onto an ash tray and turned the cigar off. My dad looked at me and smiled.

Papa: How was your adventure outside?

Me: It was awesome! Eri and I were fighting off bad guys and saving people and my fellow knights backed me up! *starts doing fighting moves with sound effects and stops* I was just like you daddy.

My father laughed and petted my head. I gave him a teethy smiled as my mother came by with some hot plates.

Mama: *placing the food* Your father was amazing! He was a part of the elite magic knight squad, The Silver Eagles.

Me: *gasps* What?? Arn't they full of nobles and royals?

Mama: It sure is and your father's magic was amazing and was hand picked by Captain Acier. May she Rest In Peace.

Me: "Rest In Peace"? What happened to her Mama?

Mama: When you're older, we can tell you but for now, let's talk about how incredible your dad was.

Papa: *flustered* Oh come on Emerald. You always flatter me too much.

Mama: David, you know you were just unbelievably strong and could do no wrong. I mean you were the Vice Captain afterall. Sadly, you got injured but, I bet you still could kick some major...*looks at me*...uuuuhhhh I mean, you would definitely win.

Papa: *Sarcastic* Nice save honey. *sighs* Unfortunately, I just couldn't heal my leg. I do miss fighting and saving people but you know what? I'm still very happy because I am home with my girls.

Me: *cute* Does that include me?

Papa: *laughs* Of course it does!

Me: *determined* Daddy! I want to be just like you and become a magic knight!

Papa: And you will. I promise you will. You already show so much potential. Especially during our training.

Me: *excited* Really?! That's so kewl!!

My parents laughed.

[I loved my family. It's as perfect as perfect can get. We were always happy, enjoyed life and I can't wait to make them proud. Then when I become a magic knight, I can give my parents a comfortable life and I can take care of them the way they have with me.]

As we continued to eat our food and our conversation, we heard blood curdling cries outside. I felt my heart sink as I heard Eri trying to bark. Sounds of destruction were heard all around, the blazing sound of fire echoed throughout the air, and I wanted it to stop!

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