Chapter 4: You guys will always be my family.

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After we finished everything we needed to do, Asta, Yuno, Eri and I went to our usual spot on the hill looking over the village. Sitting on there, it took us back to our childhood with the gorgeous scenery, the light winds, and the orange sky.

[The evening will always be my favorite time of day.]

Asta: *looking ahead and smiling* Good idea about hanging out Vanellope, this is definitely a great way to end our first chapter in our lives.

Me: Thank you Asta. Isn't it crazy how 10 years have passed and how much we have changed since we first met.

Yuno: Except for Asta. He's still a loud mouth boy.

Asta: Why do you always have to insult me?

Me: *light shove* Come on Yuno, stop picking on him.

Yuno: It's difficult not to mess with him.

Asta: Like how it's difficult for you to not be a jerk.

I decided to give Yuno a little taste of his own medicine.

Me: Remember when Yuno use to always cry for the littlest things?

Asta: *laughing* Oh yeah! You would cry when you would fall, cry when someone else cried, you'd when it was too dark in the room, like literally for anything.

Asta and I shared a good laugh together while Yuno sat there annoyed while picking the grass with Eri.

Me: You even started crying when you stepped on Eri's paw.

Yuno: I felt bad. She was still a little puppy and I was bigger than her.

Me: *giggles* I mean she forgave you and loves you so much. *thinking* I honestly, can't even remember the last time you cried. I wonder why you stopped.

Yuno just sat there and said nothing. He suddenly gave off a weird vibe.

[Oh crap! Did I offend Yuno? I didn't mean to. Am I supposed to remember why he stopped crying?]

Asta: That's right. I almost forgot how you looked when you'd cry. I remember when you started crying when we found Vanellope that day 10 years ago, do you remember Yuno?

Yuno: How can I forget, it changed all our lives.

Me: That day was a total nightmare. *looks up at the sky and speaks* To think if that never happened, I wouldn't be with you guys today. Sometimes I feel bad for saying this but, I'm kinda glad that things turned out the way they did because it lead me to you guys. Who knows what our lives could've been if my town wasn't destroyed. I know I wouldn't have the amazing friends I have now, but...I do miss my parents. They didn't deserve to go the way they did. They were inspiring, loving, giving, welcoming, the best that human-kind can offer. They were loved by everyone, they constantly showed their thanks to everyone and they made the people laugh parents lived life to the fullest and had the purest hearts.

Asta: *excited* What if we did meet?

Me: Huh? How?

Asta: Think about it. Odelawn, {Oh-Deh-Lawn}, was the next town over. I mean Hage Village is literally on the outskirts of the Clover Kingdom and Odelawn was in the Forsaken Realm which isn't too far. Maybe one day you and your parents could've stumbled by and met people here and then we could've met somehow. We could've still been best friends like we are right now; except that we wouldn't be with each other all the time but we could've hung out a lot or trained a lot. We could have had sleepovers, have dinner at each other's places, have fun play dates, or birthday parties, we could've had exciting activities and been able to see each other. I bet we would still be inseparable.

Asta leaned back and laid down with his arms behind his head while smiling brightly.

Asta: I know the 3 of us were always meant to be together and be the greatest friends. I hope that in the next life, we have our parents in our lives and grow up with each other again.

Me: *touched* Asta...

Yuno: For once, I agree with Rasta.

Asta: But for now, we will have to live without our families.

Me: *annoyed* way to take that "heart-warming speech" away.

Asta: I still can't believe what happened to Odelawn.

Yuno: Don't remind her about it. Who knows how horrible it was.

Me: It's kk. It's a part of my story.

They both turned to me.

Me: *looking ahead while the wind blows calmly* Although our stories aren't the best; being orphans, growing up in a church that is barely standing within a town that has a giant skull in the backwoods of the Clover does not define us. Our story may not have such a happy beginning but that doesn't make us who we are. It's the rest of our story that defines us. What we choose to be, what paths we pick into becoming the Wizard King, that is what really is going to shape our personas and future.

Yuno: Vanellope...

Asta: Oh wow, I never thought of that.

Me: Tomorrow is the first official step into our journey. I hope we can have days like this and enjoy it with one another and the rest of our family. *looking at both Asta and Yuno* I truly love you both and no matter what happens, you guys will always be my family. You guys will always be my #1 rivals and Hage Village will always be my home.

Suddenly I heard Asta cry loudly which startled both Yuno and I.

Me: My gawd Asta!

Asta: *crying* I was just touched.

Yuno: And your crying crushed my ears.

I punched Yuno and he mouthed "ow".

Me: Awww, Asta. Thank you for listening so well.

Yuno: Even when Asta and I find out our true origins, I still will consider Hage Village my home too.

Asta: *wipes boogers* I will too!

Me: *smiles/jokes* Good because I'm gonna be the Wizard King and you can't live in my castle. Only Father, Sister Lily and the kids can.

Asta stood up frantically and started yelling some random stuff causing Eri to start barking. I began laughing and fell over onto Yuno who surprisingly was laughing too. We shared a laugh and it felt really good to hear him laugh. These are the moments that take me back to when we were children. Especially when I first came here. I never want this to end. It's perfect. I wish for the best and most remarkable journey into becoming the Wizard King.

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