Chapter 42: Yuno sucks.

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Me: and last but not least, Asta.


I reached over to the side and got a big gift box. When I handed Asta the box, he grabbed it and immediately began to tear it apart: And not just tear but rip the entire box into pieces!! HE WAS LIKE A GAWD DAMN ANIMAL!! We all yelled and dodged the pieces of cardboard that flew around the area. However, some people weren't so fortunate as they got hit head on and flew off the couch. When he finally stopped, Asta looked down and gasped joyfully.


Me: *smiles* Isn't it cute! I made him specifically for you.

Vanessa: *joking* Maybe we should keep this one, he might be a little less sporadic.

We laughed at her joke while Asta had no clue what she said as he hugged the teddy bear.

[But there is one more perk to this gift.]

Me: That's not all, there is a lot more to it.

Asta: There is?

Me: Yeah. So the bear has a little recording box inside which can record any message you like.

I got up and went to Asta. I grabbed the bear and pointed towards the hand.

Me: If you press this hand, it should record whatever, whenever but you can only do it once. When you're done, press the hand twice and it's set.

Vanessa: Let's do something fun with it like "next shots on me!"

Me: *laughs* Vanessa, we aren't old enough yet.

Magna: What about introductions like "Hey there, this is the cool and firey Magna".

Noelle: It sounds like you're trying to flirt with him.

Charmy: What about "munch munch munch-LA!".

Gordon: *super low* What about we say how much we love our friendship with each other.

Asta: Why don't we just say what we want?

Yuno: And for once, you got a good idea Rasta.

Me: *annoyed* What a complete "give-and-take" compliment.

One by one, each person got to say what they wanted; though some were cut off for talking too much. Finally it came down to Yuno and I.

Yuno: *holding bear* This is Yuno and I will be the Wizard King.

Me: *blunt* You're so lame Yuno.

Yuno: No I'm not.

Me: Yeah. You are. Like why say that, say something else like "Asta, thanks for everything".

Yuno: Now that's just stupid, Asta hasn't done anything for me.

Me: Yes he has. And besides, I'm going to be the Wizard King.

Asta: No I Will!

Yuno&I: No You're Not!

I yanked the bear from Yuno's hands and said in a passive aggressive tone.

Me: Vanellope here! Thanks for being a great rival Asta! I Love You Bro!!

Yuno: That was stupid. Give me the bear. *yanks it*

Me: No. *yanks it back*

Yuno: Give it! *tugs*

Me: NO! *tugs harder*

Yuno was about to yank it away from me but I clicked the hand twice and permanently closed the recording. I laughed evilly and stuck my tongue out at him as he was super fucking annoyed. When we heard the recording back, everyone hated it, including Yuno and I but Asta smiled and said it was perfect.

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