Chapter 64: Support.

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Yuno: *calling out* Vannellope! Wait!

I can hear Yuno's rapid footsteps echoing in the distance. Although he called out, I still continued to ignore him and walk the normal pace I was. However, as he approached, the strength to keep my eyes dry was starting to fail.

[He's getting so close...and my tears are about to fall.]

Yuno reached for my limp hand and grabbed it. It stopped me immediately but I did not turn to face him. Yuno was panting while staring at me and squeezing my hand.

Yuno: Vannellope. Why did you just walk out?

Me: Isn't it obvious?

Yuno: No. Please explain it to me. I'm begging you.

I turned so quickly that my tears flew off and I had a passive aggressive stern expression while I clenched my teeth. Yuno stared wide-eyed, not expecting me to react this way.


He was speechless. Still holdng my hand, he tightly closed his grip on it while I cried angrily and panted. For a moment we stood this way, not saying anything. Yuno got out of his "trance" and stood up. His eyes expressed concern and he yearned for an answer. Not saying a word, he chose to "speak" with action. Yuno reached for my other hand and gave it the same treatment. I looked at my hands as he spoke.

Yuno: You are not a failure. "Your thoughts" clearly showed everything we could've done; what you could've done. You ultimately did what you could.

He looked up at me and the sun's rays shone onto him. The way his eyes caught the light made him look effortlessly pure. Yuno let my hands go and he came up to me. He wrapped his arms around my neck which he then cradled my head. I hugged his waist and burried my head into him. I just didn't feel like crying anymore, I've felt like I have cried enough for the next century.

Me: But Yuno, no matter what. In the end, I am still a "failure".

Before Yuno could speak another word, our captain stepped up.

William: *fatherly* Oh my sweet Vanellope. Your heart is full of light and this darkness has overcome your fragile self.

He came closer as my eyes began to gloss over with the up coming tears that fought to stay back. Captain Vangeance smiled very warmly at me as he placed his hand on my right shoulder.

William: We as knights are not perfect. You must remember that we are human and we are emotional creatures whom unfortunately cannot prevent every ordeal that comes our way. Although we strive to protect everyone to the best of our abilities, we also need to understand that casualties will arise. No matter whom the individual may be.

Me: *breaking* Sir?

William: Overcoming your first personal defeat won't come easy. However, the real accomplishment is the way you learn and move forward from the circumstance.

I stood there, just staring blankly not knowing what to say. Captain Vangeance turned his touch of my shoulder into an endearing and lovable hug. Him hugging me felt like a father hugging their daughter; it's as if they are letting me know that I will always be safe with them. My mouth began to turn into a small pout as tears finally came down and I hugged my captain back with the same endearing love. I felt him rubbing my back and almost "shooing" me like a sad little child. Yuno stood by watching us with a small smile and learning from the wise words William expressed. Captain Vangeance let me go and looked me in the eyes. With my eyes red and puffy, he spoke again.

William: It may be difficult but it is best to feel your hurt now then later when it can be inconvienient. Let it consume you so the negative emotions can run its course and all you have left is hope and peace to flourish within your soul.

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