Chapter 11: Rumors Don't Give Me Information.

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Asta: This place is so big!

Yuno and I stared up in "Awe" as we looked up at the Capital.

Me: I can't believe we are actually here. It's so surreal!

Yuno: I agree *looks around* Look at all these people.

Me: They're probably people who live here with a mixture of people here for the exam.

Asta: *overly excited* What are we waiting for?! Let's go in!!

Me: *runs after him* Asta! Wait! You're going to get lost!

Yuno: *chases* Guys! We're going to stand out in the wrong way!

As I followed Asta through the crowd, Yuno was close behind me making sure we don't lose him. As Asta continued to run, he ran right into a guy causing himself to fly back and land on top of me. Yuno caught up and helped me to my feet.

Yuno: Asta! You're never careful around Vanellope and you always end up hurting her!

Asta: *holding his head* Sorry but I didn't see this guy.

Me: Yuno it was an accident.

Yuno: But still, you are already clumsy as it is and get hurt enough with your own actions.

Me: I know but...

Asta: It was an accident, chill out.

Yuno: I am "chill".

Suddenly the guy came up to us and was obnoxiously rude and disrespectful. Like, yeah I understand, who wouldn't be upset at someone who just ran into them but this is crossing the line.

Rude Person: A bunch of commoner kids disrupting the peace of the noble's, get out of here street rats.

Me: Look, we get why you're upset but you gotta watch how you treat others.

Asta: Yeah! You think you can go around treating people like that?!

The guy scoffed and walked off.

Me: Asta, you have to be careful. There are a lot of people like that here and I definitely don't want to fight someone and be kicked out before we even get a chance to take the exam.

Asta: Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.

Me: It's fine Asta.

Yuno: let's go register our grimoires so we can be set.

We both nodded and scanned the place for any signs to direct us. We did come across this food place which lead to our stomach to start growling. We looked at the prices and...

Me: What the hell are these prices?? We can't afford this!

Yuno: We can always hunt like we did on the way here.

Me: *thinking* Hmm, that was some pretty good game we got.

Yuno: Yeah, that book you have about surviving was great for our trip.

Asta: *from afar* Guys Come Here! They have these! They are cheap!

We went up to Asta. He was standing by a dark place were the food stand was pretty run down. There stood a small old woman in a cloak hunching over her small counter. She wore a weird smile that kinda gave me the hee-bee-jee-beeze.

Old Lady: Urchins on a stick! They are at a cheap price.

Asta: We'll take it!

Me: I think I'm good.

Yuno: Same.

Asta got a couple of sticks with the urchins and started eating. He offered us some but his mouth smelled so bad that it made me gag causing me to cover my mouth and nose while shaking my head *no*. Yuno shook his head "no" as well while he had a disgusted face. Asta finished his food as we were still trying to find the location to register. After a good few minutes, we seen a sign that pointed to the registry and let's just say, there was a problem who went first. It was the first time we were alone and we acted like kids.

Asta: I should go first because I have 5 leafs on my grimoire.

Yuno: So? I have a 4-leaf grimoire like the actual first Wizard King.

Me: That ain't nothing because I have all the kingdoms symbols.

Yuno: Maybe we should be gentleman and let Vanellope go first.

Asta: Yeah. I'm sure Sister Lily would like that.

Me: Oh, uhhh well...thanks guys.

I walked to the booth to finally get registered. I handed the guy my grimoire and when he looked at it, he let out a loud gasp.

Booth Guy: What in the world is this grimoire?!

Me: A grimoire. Please register it for the magic knight exam.

Booth Guy: This is so absurd! Have you ever heard about this?

Me: No but I'll find out about it.

Booth Guy: The rumors are true.

Me: Rumors?

Booth Guy: Yes. You've gotten quite the attention because of this and I know someone will know about your grimoire.

Me: Do you know anyone that might?

Booth Guy: No, I don't.

Me: Then don't waste my time anymore and register my grimoire.

Booth Guy: Ah yes, your name and where you're from?

Me: Vanellope and Hage Village.

Booth Guy: You're number 163.

Me: Thank you mister. Have a good day.

He smiled at me as I walked to the side to wait for the guys to register. I can already hear the murmurs of people talking about my grimoire. A lot of the comments were that I mustn't be human, the grimoire is a fake and that I was trying to get attention because I am a commoner, or some other unnecessary remarks that are meaningless to me. I started shuffling my feet as I waited and began thinking.

[Why can't anyone help by stating something useful or have some information about my grimoire. I really want to know why I have this or why it even exists.]

Booth Guy: *gasp* A four-leaf grimoire?! I can't believe this! The rumors of you and that girl are true.

Yuno: *unfased* Yuno from Hage Village.

Booth Guy: Yes, yes. You are number 164.

Yuno finished and came over to me. We stood by waiting for Asta. The murmurs began to increase as Yuno stood by me. We heard people say how we had very rare grimoires and how can commoners like us have these, they commented how crazy it was that people from a backwood village got these and then, the girls stated how handsome Yuno was and literally dropped like flies when they would look at him all while guys stared in envy. I even heard some of the males state how beautiful, gorgeous and "hot" I was and it kinda grossed me out, it made me wonder how Yuno felt whenever he heard girls say those things about him.

[Asta, Yuno and I were holding these super rare grimoire's that it's no surprise that we are getting this kind of attention. However, Asta's is difficult to see because of how run-down his grimoire is.]

Asta: The Name Is Asta And I'm Also From Hage!

Booth Guy: Your grimoire is beat up, don't you think?

Asta: Can you just register me!

Booth Guy: You're number 165.

He grabbed his grimoire and came to us with a huge smile. I shook my head and laughed as we started to head to the coliseum. On the way there, we could hear the people continuing to say their opinions about us. It was starting to take a toll on me and affect me in the wrong way when Yuno placed his hand on my shoulder and shook his head "no" while Asta gritted his teeth and said loud enough for us to hear,

Asta: These people are nothing but low-life jerks and when I become the Wizard King, I'll have everyone look at each other as equals.

I silently agreed with Asta as we approached the main entrance.

Me: From here on out, we are now officially rivals in becoming the Wizard King.

I stuck my fist out and Yuno placed his above mine while Asta followed suit and crossed his over ours.

Together: We will see who will become the Wizard King!

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