Chapter 41: Secret Member of the Black Bulls.

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Yuno and I stood dumbfounded by the sudden explosion that obliterated the front door. Through the dust cloud, we heard yelling, laughing, and incoherent banter.

[Hmmmm? I wonder what's going on? It's not a bad situation since people are laughing but I mean, THEY BLEW UP A FUCKING WALL!]

Yuno used his wind magic to clear the way for us to step forward. When we reach the enormous hole in the wall, we peaked our heads in and what we saw was not what we expected.

Such randomness and chaos was happening all at once that my eyes couldn't keep up. I was able to see each member doing very peculiar actions with one another or themselves: Luck was sparring with someone who had very strange hair and purple lensed glasses. He held a bat made of fire and a very rebellisc outfit. Towards the back behind the two, there was a long-haired young man staring at a photo and had a...nosebleed? Looking around more, I seen two giant fuzzy They seemed to be feeding a child who seems to gobbling down anything they put down onto their table. *UUUURRRGGGG* My eyes followed the deep sounds of someone who sat on the couch with no expression on their face as hot air escaped their mouth. Stepping further into the hole, a familiar creepy face was spotted. After seeing Gordon, my eyes wondered around again to see Vanessa sleeping on the couch....HALF-NAKED?? I blushed at the sight since I had never seen any one in my life be so casual about being in public with their under garments.

[I mean, she looks absolutely gorgeous in her "outfit" since she had a great figure but it was a lot for me to see suddenly.]

Yuno bent down next to me and stated,

Yuno: I expected the Black Bulls to be "outcasts" but I never expected this.

I nodded in agreement while my facial expression only showed pure confusion.

???: Hey there good-lookin'! You here to see me?

I jolted back at the sudden appearance of FInral in front of me. He let out a chuckle with a flirtatious smile. Yuno expectedly went on high alert as he stepped between Finral and I. I slightly pushed Yuno to the side as I faced FInral once again but this time with a nervous chuckle.

Me: Uhhh, sorry to burst your bubble FInral but no.

Finral: Oh come one Vanellope, you don't miss me at all?

I tried my hardest not to come off rude because I know Finral has a sweet and kind heart.

Me: I'm sorry Finral but I didn't think about you except for like once.

Finral: *super flirty* ooooooo......was it alone in your room?

Yuno got visibly upset and said in a stern and serious voice.

Yuno: That's enough.

Finral got scared and let out a very nervous laugh and a sweat drop was seen on the side of his head.

FInral: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to flirt with Vannelope that way. You two must be dating, right?

Yuno and I blushed at the question. I tried my hardest to keep my composure since I didn't want to make an awkward scene. However, it still came off a do you say?...Stupid?

Me: Uhhh, Yuno and I are not...uuuuhhhh dating.

FInral let out an excited squeak as he folded his hands together and placed it on the side of his face.

FInral: The there is no harm at all!

Finral grabbed my hand and dragged me ahead like a gleeful friend. He spoke to me while giving me the most precious smile and asked,

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