Chapter 7: The Birth of A Rivalry.

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[Flashback 10 years earlier}

A few months had passed since coming to Hage Village and meeting the boys; whom have become my dearest friends. I was welcomed by a young and beautiful nun named Sister Lily who used her recovery magic to help me feel a lot better physically and mentally. Then there is the priest, Father Orsi, who is very funny and loves me as equally as much as the boys. They treat me with such warmth and care. I am truly grateful to have found parents were right that I'd find very nice people. There were other children here and they were super cute and adorable. There was a red-haired girl named Recca and a cute little freckle baby boy named Nash. Asta was a very loud and rambunctious young boy but he was really funny and always made me laugh, especially when he asks Sister Lily to marry him. Sadly, she can not marry. Father told me it's because she is a "lady of the cloth". Sister Lily does use her magic to calm down Asta because he throws a tantrum when she says no. Yuno was a sweet boy who seems very attached to me from the moment I woke up from when I passed out due to the exhaustion due to the events of that dreadful day. Yuno was also a very helpful boy who cried at anything and I really mean "anything"; he'll cry over the littlest things but at least he is a quiet and adorable cryer. Overall, I was happy again and now, I am part of a trio of friends and my puppy Eri was very well liked and often played with. Yuno, Asta and I were quite inseparable. We always played, laughed, and constantly got into trouble. Asta, being the way he is, would always tease Yuno and I because we were so close and that when we grow up, we were going to get married to each other but we would defend ourselves....kinda. I would say that at least I can be there to wipe Yuno's tears and then Yuno would cry because he was happy that he won't be alone when he would cry. Truthfully, we were like the 3 musketeers! I read about them back at my parent's library while I lived there. Everyone in the village knew about my existence in the church and what had happened with the town I was from. The adults definitely worried for me and always asked how I was or if I needed anything but I'd reject them politely which only made them sweeter to me because I was polite and well mannered. The town's people would say to teach Asta some manners because he was "rude" but I never seen him to be rude and I'd defend him and then with Yuno, we was painfully shy and they wanted me to teach him how to be more outgoing. I also defended him that he wasn't shy with me and we have only met a few months ago and how he talked to me all the time. Because of this, the people knew how close the 3 of us were and how we always appeared to never be with out one another.

Except for this one time were I was busy helping Sister Lily and the boys went off to play hide and seek. Asta was a little forgetful, actually he is absolutely forgetful. When I was finished helping Sister Lily, she told me to go find the boys because it was getting late. I went to the tree where we would always be and saw Asta with Eri. I ran up to him to tell him he and Yuno needed to come inside but Asta had no idea were Yuno was. I had yelled at Asta for losing Yuno because Asta was just playing with him moments ago. Then Asta defended himself by saying he had forgotten he was playing with Yuno and never went to look for him. We urgently searched everywhere for Yuno and it was already dark. I yelled out for Yuno but then when I went to the legendary skull, I heard sniffling behind a bush. I walked over to it and seen a crying little Yuno sitting down on grass. I went up to him and kneeled down and tapped his shoulder. He looked at me and was so happy to see me and then, he cried more because he was happy. I hugged him while I had laughed and told him it was going to be kk.

Luckily for us, Yuno was a quiet cryer. Have I mentioned a cute cryer too? For all of us, it was easy to deal with.

We were sitting at the tree with Sister Lily eating some really hard burnt bread.

Sister Lily: I hope you all enjoy.

Yuno: it's really hard. *starts crying*

Me: *wiping his tears* Maybe some water can soften it.

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