Chapter 9: The Kids Need To Learn.

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After Salik was arrested and charged for his criminal actions, we finally headed home. We have had a long day and we just wanted to be with our family. When we got to the church, Eri was waiting for us at the end of the pavement. She got excited and came towards us and wagged her tail happily. I petted her aand guided her to come inside with us.

[Thank you God for not having Eri with us during the attack. I'm really thankful since who knows what could've happened to her if she was there with us.]

Sister Lily: Please everyone. Have a seat and enjoy.

We began to serve ourselves and eat but I can feel my exhaustion coming in. This is just a sign that I am still too weak and need to train harder so that I can become the Wizard King.

[I need to get stronger.]

Father: *crying* Vanellope and Yuno are the hope of this church!

Asta: Hey! I'm gonna become the wizard king so have some faith in me.

Me: *swallowing water* Yeah Father, Asta has a grimoire now and is more than capable of beating Yuno or I for the position of the next Wizard King.

Recca: Where did you even get that grimoire? You didn't receive it in the hall.

Asta: It was given to me earlier while I was fighting the bad guy and I am so grateful I was chosen!

Nash: That is so unheard of.

Asta: Well I got one.

Nash: It seems like you are like Vanellope. Getting grimoire's that no one has ever heard about.

Sister Lily: That's right. Vanellope your grimoire has all four kingdom symbols, have you ever heard or read about that before?

Me: No. I had no idea that was possible but I'm going to find out. Maybe somewhere in the capital's library or people know something about it, I'm sure I'll figure it out. There's got be some kind of information on this. Perhaps I can find out through our journeys as magic knights.

Nash: Well Vanellope is super talented and strong too. She is a perfect rival for Yuno. Her grimoire is way better than Asta's beat up one.

Me: *annoyed* Nash. What's with this arrogant attitude? You're acting extremely rude and trying to act "kewl" when in reality, you're not.

Sister Lily: Vanellope!

Me: I'm sorry Sister Lily but he needs to be told now before he grows up to be a selfish jerk. Nash need to be put in his place and know how ridiculous he is acting. He's going have a rude awakening if he isn't stopped right now. *looks at Nash* You need to start respecting your elders, especially Asta. He has been nothing but respectful towards you and he doesn't have to because he is older than you. Asta has so much potential to become the Wizard King and gives Yuno and I a run for our magic. There have been countless times when Asta has save Yuno and I and that was before he got his grimoire. The 3 of us have been through so much together and we promised to give it our all and not hold back. I hope you can come to realize that you need to remove this ugly attitude and learn to respect Asta because one day, Asta's actions will inspire you to be your very best. He already has done that with Yuno and me.

Everyone sat there speechless as they stared at us. Their mouths hung low and Nash sat there quietly.

[I know I'm being harsh towards Nash but kids like him need to be stopped before it 's too late and they grow up to think they are better than everyone else. I really hope Nash finds friends who are as awesome as Yuno and Asta because they have made me who I am today. I love them so much and Nash needs friends to inspire him to be better.]

Father: Vanellope is right.

Asta: That's hard to believe that you think Vanellope is right when you always praise her and Yuno about how strong they are and how I am gona stay here to run the church since you think I am not good enough to be a magic knight.

Me: Asta! Don't be disrespectful! Do you need to be told stuff too!?

Asta: No! NO! I'm sorry!

I laughed as I got Asta into a choke hold causing a ruckus. Yuno used his magic to calm us down. But all it did was make my hair go crazy.

Me: Yuno My Hair!

He smiled as he spoke.

Yuno: Tomorrow begins out training for the magic knights entry exam.

Asta: 6 months of hard training.

Me: But it'll be worth it.

We smiled at one another. We are more than ready for the journey and the challenges that will be thrown our way. I hope Nash can see that with self-love, respect, and friends, you can accomplish anything.

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