Chapter 57: "Marry Me".

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Me: *yelling* HOLY CRAP!

I was far from Yuno's location at this point. It was difficult to gain any control of my body as my mana and strength was absolutely low. Once my velocity started to slow down, I was able to see my surroundings.

[This place? It's where Asta was with Noelle, Captain Fuegoleon, and Leopold. But something seems off here...It feels...OH MY..!!]

I started yelling even worse when I began falling towards the ground. I made a loud "OOF!" Sound as I landed into a pile of...

Me: *mortified* are!

I quickly covered my mouth from gagging and quickly got out of the mountain of despair. Rapidly, I started to dust myself off as I felt extremely gross and filthy. As I was in the middle of finishing myself off, my name was yelled by my royal friend.

Noelle: Vannellope!!

I looked up to see exactly what I felt.

It was a horrific sight.

I saw a wounded Captain as I watched the blood spill out his severed arm.

Me: *trembling* What...the...Fuck?

With Sonic speed, I ran towards my friends as I had no idea there were 5 unknown mages surrounding everyone. Asta turned to me and yelled.

Asta: No! Vannellope! You'll get hurt!

Me: *running* I don't care Asta! Captain Fuegoleon is hurt! I can try to heal him with the little mana I have!

When I got to the fiery captain, I knelt down and was about to begin my spell but one of the white mages was going to attack me.

[Crap! What do I do?? I have no mana to counter this attack!]

Leopold quickly came to my rescue and blocked the attack with such ease. I looked up at him in sheer gratefulness.

Me: Leopold...

Leopold: Vannelope. Please help my brother.

Me: *affirmative* Got it.

I placed my hands over the wound and began to cast my spell.

[With this spell, I know I can at least seal the injury. But I just have enough for my basic healing spell.]

Me: Elemental Magic: Cherry Blossom Awakening.

Small little sprouts appeared around Captain Fuegoleon. The weak, yet effective spell, made Noelle gasp.

Nelle: Your magic, it's become dangerously low, hasn't it?

Me: *struggling* It has but I should have just enough to close this wound.

Noelle: That means, you can't help Asta.

I immediately was stunned into place. I looked up at Noelle with wide, worry eyes and asked with shakiness in my voice.

Me: Why? What Happened?!?

I didn't wait for an answer as I looked over at Asta. Not only did Asta still have the injury from when we first encountered the purple freak but, now he has plenty more wounds around his body.

[How is he still fighting? How is he still standing?? He's going to collapse any given moment. What do I do?? I don't have enough mana to help my brother!]

As I looked down clenching my teeth and squeezing my eyelids shut from the pure stress, I heard a comforting sound.

Asta: *laughs* I know you Vanellope. You're worried about me but I got an idea.

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