Chapter 29: Captain Vangeance Sent You?

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While the salonist finished me up, she asked in a sly foxy way.

Salonist: Is that your boyfriend?

I looked at her with blush on my cheeks as she was looking towards Yuno, whom was sitting in the waiting area looking at magazines. He had his legs crossed as he kept flipping pages. At some point, he would finish a magazine and look out the window. He seemed so bored honestly.

After he surprised me, all the salonist in the building swooned over how handsome he was and that he was a magic knight. Some even said I was so lucky to know such a handsome young knight and how romantic it was for him to come looking for me. However, I corrected them that he was probably there to give Mimosa and I some information about our duties. I didn't know what to say when they kept going on and on about Yuno so I just stood there quiet, not knowing how to make them stop.

Answering the salonist, I answered with a smile.

Me: No. He isn't my boyfriend but he's my best friend.

Salonist: Oh?

Me: We are very close. Mostly because we grew up together, we say we are family but we aren't blood related in any way.

Salonist: He's quite handsome dear and a magic knight? Someone might snatch him right up! I mean, he is a lot of girls ideal type.

Me: *chuckles* He is a girl magnet that's for sure but he ignores them or doesn't pay any attention to them.

Salonist: Sounds like he might be in love with one lucky lady.

Me: Naaah, he's too focused on his goals and aspirations. Besides, I know him well enough to know that he's too much of a dork to ever understand his feelings for someone.

Salonist: *laughs* Wow, I never would've guessed that.

Me: He acts like a kewl guy and that he doesn't care about anything but...he's the total opposite. He's so sweet and caring towards me and our family back home. He makes me laugh and makes sure I am always well.

Salonist: Really?

Me: Yeah.

I dreamingly looked at Yuno and the salonist took notice of my expression and body language. She smirked as she bent down to my ear and whispered,

Salonist: Don't be afraid to tell him how you feel. You never know, he might feel the same way.

I was completely caught off guard and yelled,

Me: Wait What??

She laughed as she bumped me with her hip causing me to lose my balance for a second. I looked at her with a weak smile.

Me: Thank you so much for treating me so well Rouge, I do really appreciate it.

Rouge: It's no problem love, come over any time.

Me: But I'm not royalty.

Rouge: Girl, we don't care what you are. As long as you want to come over and fix yourself up while hanging out with some fellow chicas, you are more than invited in.

I looked at her with such emotion in my eyes.

[There are people here who already don't care about your social status but enjoy the presence of someone. That's so awesome! Maybe I can hopefully bring the girls of the Black Bulls here so I can get to know them while taking a nice warm rose pedal bath.]

I waved "bye" to Rouge as I walked towards Yuno. Rouge waved and smiled until another girl came in and got her attention. I turned towards Yuno who took notice of me and smiled. He got up and asked,

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