Chapter 31: Father Vangeance?

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*knock knock*

Yuno: Come In.

I opened the door and walked right in. Greeting Yuno with a smile, he returned the gesture and gave me one of his most cutest grins. He was putting on his boots as I closed the door and threw myself onto his bed. I heard him chuckle as I turned over onto my back and looked out the window. Trying to start a conversation, I asked casually.

Me: You think this mission will be dangerous?

Unexpectedly, Yuno's tone changed as he answered shortly and vaguely.

Yuno: I don't know.

I decided to make the question a lot more serious.

Me: You think we will be killed?

Yuno: I don't know.

[The fuck? He's acting weird now. Yuno hasn't been like this in quite some time. He hasn't been this way since we were back at home ready to get our grimoire's and he was being a jerk to Asta and would blow me off about every thing and anything.]

His short answers threw me off and I became irritated rather quickly because the old emotions I felt when he first acted this way have re-surfaced. However, I did want to ask him why he was acting like this; though, I was afraid he would act like he did yesterday. Deciding to stay quiet, Yuno finished getting his boots on.

Yuno: *serious* Vanellope.

The sudden sound of my name rolling off his lips made me feel an infinite amount of uncontrollable emotions.

Me: Yeah?

Yuno: During the mission, please don't try to do anything that can hurt you.

I raised an eyebrow in an angry manner and replied rather harshly.

Me: You're one to talk. You always end up biting more than you can chew.

Yuno: I'm not trying to argue with you.

Me: Well it sure sounds like you're trying to control me when you, out of everyone, no damn well you can't do that to me.

Yuno: I'm just trying to tell you to be careful.

Me: It doesn't sound that way at all. Like, I don't understand why the hell your telling me this when you always go head first into danger.

Yuno let out an annoyed sigh and replied in a very annoyed tone.

Yuno: Whatever.

I knew I was prolonging the situation by "poking" at Yuno.

Me: See. There you go. You've proved my point.

Yuno: I didn't fucking prove anything.

I knew he was becoming angry because he wasn't really one to curse like the way I do.

{This was becoming something that didn't need to get out of hand.}

Me: What's your deal Yuno? You're suddenly becoming short with me with your answers, you're giving me these attitudes that make no sense to me, your cursing at me, and you're trying to "control" me but it sounds like your are manipulating it by interpreting it to sound like it's you wanting me to be "careful". I can take care of my damn self and ever since I brought up the "kissing thing", you got all moody and stupid.

Yuno didn't bother to say anything and acted like he was ignoring me. However, I knew he heard me because he angrily yanked his cape from the place it was hanging at. Though he acted like this a little before we got our grimoire's, this seemed a lot more different. I became impatient and yelled,

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