Chapter 14: Vanellope's Mind Goes On Overdrive.

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Asta: Give Me Everything you got!

Me: Are you sure?

Asta: *confident* Yeah...

He got in a stance and got ready. I began to form my strongest spell that was already written out for me in my grimoire. I was able to study it as much as possible during my training and so far, I am able to summon it but still need to control it as well as make it a "crisp" attack and stronger. Due to our intense training, we stood deep in forrest so our magic doesn't hurt or affect the village. As I finally had all my magic built up, I was ready to attack Asta.

Me: Elemental Magic: Natural Devastation!

I was able to combine all four of my elements to create one powerful attack. The downside of this, all of my mana would be gone for at least 24 hours. Once the attack got closer to Asta, I got completely paranoid and horrifically worried.

Me: No Wait! Asta!!

Asta: *yells* EEEEERRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With the strike of his sword, my attack was cut through and dispersed all around him and across the trees. As the trees got destroyed, I fell to my knees in total disbelief at how crazy this all was. I was motionless, dumbfounded, and most of all, amazed. That's when I knew even more that Asta was anything but ordinary. Asta was panting and sweating as that attack wore him out.

Asta: *panting* You're amazingly strong Vanellope.

I didn't say anything due to my state of shock. As quickly as the attack vanished, Yuno flew into the scene and landed right in front of me.

Yuno: Vanellope? Are you ok?

I darted my eyes towards him without moving a muscle. Let's just say...Yuno was very creeped out.

Yuno: What did you do Asta?

Asta: Nothing. Sheesh...You always think I hurt her or something.

Yuno: Because you always do end up hurting her in some way.

Asta: Well, I didn't. All I did was cut through her magic.

Yuno: What do you mean you "cut through it"?

Asta: Arn't you the smart one? It's plain and simple, I cut through her magic with my sword.

Yuno: Look Rasta. That's highly impossible.

Me: *shocked* It's possible.

Asta: Told ya, you jerk!

Yuno got in position to attack.

Yuno: Then show me.

Asta: *smirks* You asked for it.

Me: *to Yuno* Shoot him your best attack.

Asta got ready like the way he did with me. They both smirked at each other and were ready to "fight". I finally stood up and got ready to control any destruction since I can feel I have just a little bit of magic within me.

[I know I mentioned I have no magic left, like I don't even have enough to cast my smallest attack spell, however, I have just enough to catch or move some objects that correspond to my elemental magic, does that make sense?]

Yes, my magic is strong but it still doesn't compare to how strong Yuno's magic is. Or that's what I believe anyway.

Yuno: Wind Magic: Towering Tornado!

Just by Yuno casting his spell, trees began to fly out of the ground and created a small dirt storm. I was covering my eyes and myself so I wouldn't get anything in within my eyes. As the tornado went towards Asta, I watched in "Awe" as Asta swung his sword cutting right through the spell. It was exactly the way he did with my attack but I can tell Asta struggled with Yuno's spell. Yuno's jaw dropped along with my own jaw dropping.

[I bet Yuno believes us now.]

Asta jumped in the air while I was using my magic to place down all the flying trees and collecting all the dirt so that I can drop it into the ground. Yuno walked to Asta and smiled.

Yuno: Just because you dispelled my attack does not mean I'll give up on becoming the Wizard King.

Asta: *wipes nose with finger* Didn't count on you giving up Yuno.

Me: *placing last tree on the ground* So...What does it mean?

Asta: What does "what" mean?

Me: *rambles on* So, do you have magic or is it like "anti-magic"? *gasps/overthinks* Think about it! What if your magic is anti-magic?! But what if your magic is anti-magic, wouldn't that dispel your magic? It would be like an infinite loop! It's like what came first, the chicken or the egg? But this time it's your magic and...

Yuno: I think you're going to overload Vanellope *chuckles*. But you're right, I think Asta has some sort of anti-magic.

Me: *fascinated* Woah...Asta! You're Fucking Crazy Awesome!! Do you have any idea what your're capable is?!

Yuno: Wow, what's with the language?

Me: *waves hand* Never mind that Yuno. Asta has an ability that has to get him into a magic knight squad. Like this shit is absolutely rare! He can dispel magic! Imagine that advantage on the battle field?! Asta will always have the upper hand!

Asta: That's right! It's like that guy who attacked us the day we got our grimoires. He was completely caught off guard and I was able to take him down because of my anti-magic sword.

Me: *snaps* Exactly my friend.

Asta: Who would've thought, us 3 having the rarest grimoires and we come from a village close tot he Forsaken Realm. We are definitely the greatest rivalry to have ever existed!

Me: *ecstatic* I couldn't agree with you more Asta! *exhilarated* OOOOOOOOOOO Man! We are gonna leave our mark on this kingdom!

Yuno: Like when I become the Wizard King.

Me: Or Me!!

Asta: It'll be me!!!

Yuno: Then let's keep training ourselves to get ready for the exam.

Asta&I: *nods* Right!

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