Chapter 50: Noelle & Vanellope.

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Everyone was caught off by my outburst. Though I didn't want Yuno to say anything, I knew it would be best if I was removed from the Golden Dawn; even if it affects my chances to become the Wizard King.

Alecdora was visibly frustrated and came charging at me but Yuno got in between us. While Yuno guarded me, Alecdora yelled at him.

Alecdora: Move Commoner!

Yuno: *angry* No!

Alecdora stepped back as Yuno and I stood side by side.

Me: Back off Alecdora! What do you expect to gain from acting like a bitch??

Alecdora: What a foul mouth! How can you speak to me that way?!

Alecdora raised his hand to try and slap my face with his open palm. I was about to throw my hand up to stop the blow but Yuno stood right in front of me and used his hands to make sure I wasn't going to get hit in any way possible. The end result...*SMACK*...Yuno ended up taking the hit instead. Yuno's face went to the side as his hair covered the red mark that appeared on his fair skin. I gasped as well as others in the room. I clenched my teeth so hard that I can feel them crack.

[How can he strike Yuno on the face?? What kind of man does that to someone? Oh Yuno, I'm so sorry. I always bring you into this kind of mess when it's my battle to fight.]

Klaus stepped forward and in a pleading manner stated.

Klaus: Violence is never the answer!

The sudden occurrence rubbed Asta the wrong way as he ran up while yelling.

Asta: Back off from my family!!

Before Asta was about to get to us, a voice from one of the magic knights that got an award spoke up. But it wasn't just his voice that stopped us all in our tracks; It was the mentioning of Noelle's name that brought the world to a halt.

???: Come Alecdora.

The one who spoke up was none other than Noelle's older brother, Solid. He came up to Noelle with a devious smirk that caused me to cringe in annoyance.

Solid: We all know who the most inept person is here.

Noelle gasped as she seemed....afraid? I was so confused by her reaction to her brother when I heard Alecdora scoff at us and walked off dramatically. I went around to face Yuno to check on his face. The guilt and worry washed all over my face as I seen Yuno in his state. I placed my hand on his face and turned him towards me. Yuno looked at me and gave me a weak smile while I was full of concern.

Me: *barely audible* Yuno...I'm so sorry.

Yuno: Don't apologize Vanellope. I did say that I'd always pro...

Noelle's brother spoke up again and then,

Solid: & it isn't Little Mimosa. Right, Noelle?

As soon as he finished speaking, Solid poured his glass over Noelle's head. My eyes widened along with Yuno's and everyone else's in the room. My heart sank when I saw the sadness and shock flood over Noelle's face. I can feel myself start to go in a panic as I completely forgot about Yuno.

[How can an older brother do that to their little sister? That shouldn't happen, EVER! What can I do to stop this??...Nozel!! He must know what to do. After all, those are his siblings. He must protect his baby sister!]

Without hesitation, I ran straight to Nozel; pleading in desperation while tugging his sleeve.

Me: Nozel, please stop this! Stop Solid from hurting Noelle. He's being ridiculous and unreasonable! Noelle was by far the greatest soldier within our dungeon mission and he's trying to shame her when he's wrong. Nozel, you said if I ever needed anything, you'd do it and I want him to stop hurting her!!

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