Chapter 38: Twins.

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Asta: Damn You! How Dare You Hurt My Friend?!

Asta charged straight towards the diamond monstrosity. Unfortunately, Asta was stopped by the rapid shards hurdling towards him. As quickly as the shards charged at him, Asta deflected each and every single one. However, because he was so focused on deflecting the shards, it left him vulnerable to any attack. Before anyone could blink....*BAM*....Asta was hit by the monster's fist and thrown right threw the wall. Mortified, I yelled.

Me: ASTA!!

I quickly used my air magic to neutralize Yuno's wind spell that kept me afloat. Yuno looked at me and asked in a panic tone of voice.

Yuno: Vanellope! What are you doing?!

I landed on the ground and ran towards the deathly scene.

Me: *to Yuno while running* I have to help them Yuno! They're hurt!!

The diamond mage was heading towards Mimosa and Noelle.

[What a piece of shit! Going for people who are already endangered and wounded. I'll kill him! I'm just glad that Yuno saved me from being trap since now I am open to fight this creep once again...and win.]

I got my grimoire out and slid right in between the Diamond Mage and my girls! Charging up my magic, I raised my voice.


As black clouds emerged from the thin air, lava began to spill onto the diamond mage, melting parts of the monstrous creation. The attack continued and I can feel the rage inside me begin to start within the pit of my gut.

[I can't hold back, I need to defeat him. If I don't, my friends will be killed and won't see the light of day again.]

The lava gushed more over the Diamond Mage as the rage began to affect my spell. The diamond mage let our a painfully frustrated yell as he continuously used his man to regenerate and heal himself with his fire magic. I began to get "tunnel vision" and continued to let my rage affect me in every way too, left me vulnerable like the way Asta was moments ago. Before I could notice what the diamond mage was doing, Mimosa yelled at me.

Mimosa: Vanellope Behind You!!

None of the less, the diamond mage created dozens of sharp killing swords behind me and launched them at me before I could turn around and defend myself. Yuno screamed in total despair.



Asta: leave them ALONE!!

Asta dashed towards us and saved me in just in the nick of time. Noticing his sword, I realized it was different than the one he had previously. After destroying the swords, he landed right next to me.

Asta: You good?

Me: Yeah. Thanks again Asta. Looks like I owe you again, huh?

Asta: Don't worry about it. I'm just glad my sister is safe. *smirks* Let's take him down.

Me: *grins* Sounds like a plan, Bro.

We charged up and darted straight towards that bastard.

Both: Your New Opponents...ARE RIGHT HERE!!

By combining my magic, I used my creation magic "sword of the elements" as I was able to crate a diamond sword from my earth, wind and fire ability. Then, with my air magic, I pushed us both to quicken our speed which we both got our swords ready to impale this son of a bitch! We broke through his diamond "armor" and stabbed the Diamond Mage causing himself to spill out his blood. Asta and I pulled out our swords and landed on our feet panting. And in a matter of seconds, we both let out a *gasp* as the diamond mage used "fire magic" to begin to heal himself.

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