Chater 37: A Clue.

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Asta was finishing his greens while the rest of us were trying to figure out what to do next. He swallowed the remaining of his bazaar leafy snack when he asked me a question.

Asta: Hey Vanellope?

Me: What's up?

Asta: Quick question...If that creepy freaky guy is as strong as he is, why didn't you use your most powerful spell "Natural Disaster Devastation"?

Me: Good question. The truth is, I was scared to use it because I didn't want to accidentally cave-in the dungeon.

Asta: Ooohhh, that makes sense.

Suddenly Mimosa came to me as she was back to her normal self and in one piece. She sounded worried when she spoke.

Mimosa: Vanellope, please let me heal you.

Me: *concerned* Are you sure? You just got yourself healed and back on your feet. I wouldn't want you to over exert yourself.

Mimosa: I'll be completely fine. Please don't worry about me. Thankfully, Noelle protected me valiantly and I was able to fully recover.

Noelle: No, I didn't do anything special.

Me: Don't under-grade your actions Noelle. Mimosa and I are extremely grateful to you. When you saw me and saw how horrible of a state I was, you immediately came to my aid.

Noelle: *slight blush* Well...I...

She was at a loss for words but shook it off and returned to her "cold-way". However, I smiled at her knowing she was thankful for the compliments and the gratitude we have given her. Without warning, Mimosa began to heal my wounds. Everyone watched in "Awe" as the fabric Noelle wrapped my arm with had floated off. Feeling my bones go back together and my deep cuts begin to close, I couldn't help but think that this kind of process was weird. Although, the ultimate feeling of this was...that it's very ticklish.

Me: *giggling* It tickles!

Everyone began to laugh softly as the healing process came to an end. I made super dorky moves as a huge smile ran across my face. As my body was getting "loosened" by my frantic movements, I threw a fist up into the air and yelled.

Me: I feel good as new and ready for action!

Yuno came up to me and patted my head.

Yuno: *smiles* That's a relief.

I smiled back as I brought down my arm.

Me: Thank you Yuno for almost giving the biggest sacrifice to protect me.

Yuno: I promised to always protect you, even if it costs me my life.

Asta looked at Mimosa and stated.

Asta: You're so awesome! Thank you too for helping my sister!

Me: Yeah Mimosa! Thank you for everything, you truly are amazing as always!

Mimosa: *super shy* Oh my goodness, why, yes of course. It's no problem at all.

Out of no where, Noelle got fluster when she saw Asta's torso.

Noelle: Asta! Would You Please Do Something About Yourself Already??

[Does Noelle secretly like Asta? I mean who wouldn't? He's got a unique personality. He's a great role-model. He stays healthy by always training his body. He's adorable and the best-boy! But then again....he's loud, rambunctious, impulsive, dives head first into dangerous situations, and can be unintentionally un-mannered....Well we don't have to see those flaws about him, right?]

Together We Make A Clover.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora