Chapter 23: My Magic Knight.

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The sounds of the world began to return to my ears. My body felt extremely light and I felt the wind blowing through

[What is going on? It feels like I'm flying!]

I struggled but eventually I got my eyes to open. Blinking rapidly, colors, shapes and shadows filled my sight. Confusion washed over my mind and my body as the feeling of pins and needles poking me were felt all around. As soon as I felt like my "head was back on my shoulders", I freaked out. I had no idea what was happening.

Suddenly I was with Sister Lily talking about Yuno and my feelings then I heard Eri barking and now I am here. Although my anxiety was starting to rise, I collected myself and took deep breaths. Finally, I took the courage to look around to see that I was being held by my waist from the bandits Yuno and I fought earlier today. The bandit took notice that I was fully awake and smirked.

Bandit: What perfect timing. Now we can go with the plan accordingly.

Me: What stupid plan? Where's my family?!

Bandit: They're being taken to a different place for Yuno to find. Like a scavenger hunt.

I was so mad but realized,

[How does he know Yuno's name?]

Me: Wait, how can you possibly know his name?

The bandit laughed as we landed on the ground. I was unable to grab my grimoire from the bandit as my hands were tied behind my back.

Me: Why are you doing this?

I noticed he ignored me causing me to become overly frustrated.

Me: Answer Me You Pathetic Swine!!

I was about to run off but tripped. I was in such pain as I had hit my face on the ground. Looking down, I saw my feet were tied up as well. The bandit pulled me up by my hair and forced me to knees. He wrapped a cloth around my head and gagged me in the process. After he roughly tied the fabric, he walked away leaving me behind some boulder. I scanned the area and it looks like it was full of old pieces of old buildings, rocks and boulders scattered around the land and far off mountains.

[No wonder it's familiar. Yuno, Asta and I use to come here to play. I'm still in Hage Village! Luckily I'm not too far from the church. The legendary monster's skull shouldn't be too far either. Now I must come up with a plan to get myself free as well as save Sister Lily and Eri. Think Vanellope, Think! What can I do to make a solid plan? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I GOT IT!! ~ Even though I can't use my spells, I can still use my basic magic techniques. So, in order to be found, I have to rely on Yuno. I really hope he didn't leave all this to me to figure out. By sending small and constant vibrations through the air, I can direct them towards Yuno. If he's on foot, I'll provide small quakes leading in my direction. All I have to do is be in tuned with nature.

... ... ...

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Damn, it's getting a little difficult to get in touch with my magic. The hit that I got on my head sure affected me in more ways than not. It would be easier to use my fire and water magic to send a signal up into the sky but it'll blow my cover with the bandit. Who knows what he would do to me after that. I have to try harder.

... ... ...

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Come on.

... ... ...

... ... ...

I got it! I can feel the natural mana surging throw my body as I felt like I was part of this world. Sounds traveled through the air while vibrations shook the ground.

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