Chapter 39: Silence Is a Source of Great Strength.

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Nothing but pure silence.

{Ironically, the loudest sound in this the silence within this treasure hall.}

With my mouth hung open, I stared at the sword that was about to hit me. As I still had my hand out to cast my spell to protect Mimosa and Asta, I can feel myself tremble for the sheer fright I had.

[But how am I able to stare back at this sword? Why is the world silent? Why is it black and white? Did I die and my soul didn't want me to see or feel utter despair? No. That makes no sense. What's going on??]

Then unexpectedly, I heard the voice that always made my heart race and beat in a musically and rhythmic manner.

Yuno: Vanellope!

I slowly brought my gaze towards the love of my life as he looked at me with such mixed emotions I had ever seen from him. He looked surprised, confused and worried and overall, relieved. I let out a happy gasp as I panted from the full shock; it was taking a toll on me physically. I smiled as my tears fell down my face seeing Yuno. Yuno came up to me quickly and knelt down. Face to face, Yuno reached over and wiped away my tears with his thumbs as he was cupping my dirty cheeks. I didn't reach up to him as I was still continuing to heal Asta even though everything and everyone were frozen in place. Yuno smiled at me while he said,

Yuno: You have no idea how happy I am to know you're alive.

Me: *crying* And you have no idea how good it felt to see you after such a near death experience.

Yuno: *warm smile* I might have a good idea.

I let out a small laugh as I looked down. Yuno hugged me as he rubbed my back. After a few moments, he let go and we both looked around.

Me: I just don't understand what is happening here.

Yuno: Time has suddenly stopped but why?

Me: I don't know but I'm scared if I stop my spell, Asta will die.

Yuno: Don't worry, I'll figure this out. You just focus on Asta.

Me: Kk.

Yuno got up but suddenly stopped when we both heard a very cute and adorable *yawn*. We looked at each other confused and turned in the direction of the sound. The sound came from behind us and what we saw was definitely something we never thought we would ever see. There, we saw a creature floating close behind us. Evaluating the small little being, she had a cute little pastel green dress, no shoes, bright green eyes, blonde short pixie hair, the tiniest little yellow and white fairy wings and the smoothest fair skin that glowed faintly around her. They had a little cow lick hair strand at the top of her head while she had naturally pink blushing cheeks. She was absolutely adorable. The little fairy like creature exchange her vision between Yuno and I as we stood there unsure of how to soak this whole scene. Without a word, she lifted her porcelain like hand and blew a light green colored wind that came out of her palm. The aesthetic green wind floated passed me and then wrapped around the giant sword. The room echoed with the sound of shattering glass as the sword was destroyed instantly by the gentle wind. Yuno and I watched in "awe" as we saw color fill "our world" again and then, *phwoom...BAM!* the Diamond Mage flew towards the wall. Finally bringing him to an end. A strong gust of wind blew toward us, making us all shield ourselves. No one knew what was happening; all they knew was that the Diamond Mage was defeated. Everyone watched the Diamond Mage fall to the ground while Yuno and I were still flabbergasted. Since the Diamond Mage was unconscience, his magic spells have deteriorated and everyone who was in his traps are now free. Klaus asked in a confused voice,

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