Chapter 58: The Red Coat.

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Clover Citizen: Oh my, thank you Miss Knight.

Me: It's no problem Ma'am. Please find some shelter and take good care of yourself.

The elderly woman began to walk off as she was the 3rd person I found that needed some help. Continuing my search for more people that needed some aid, I began my usual "deep thought process".

[The way I've been acting since the invasion started, it feels as if it's someone else controlling my emotions. These emotions, I don't recognize them at all. The hard part is suppressing them as these emotions just can't help but be expressed through "my body". This's growing and expanding. What's going on inside my soul? I'm afraid that it'll get out of control. Like the way it did earlier with Yuno. Yuno, my Yuno. I'm so sorry. The way I treated you by saying "back off" and "I don't need protection", I didn't mean it. It wasn't me. *sigh* Why is this happening to me? Why now of all times? Why couldn't this have happened while I was reading a book in my room back at headquarters? I need my brain and emotions to be leveled now more than ever. I wonder, if this is the "other being" I kept theorizing about? Is "it" angry for everything that is happening? Humans hurting humans? That "being", is it in a state of rage?]




A red coat.


[This coat? Why is it so familiar? What's it doing in the middle of the road?]


I picked it up and realized it's a child's sized coat.


[This coat. It belongs to the little girl Yuno and I saved from the "walking dead" earlier. But, why is the coat here?]


That's when I saw it.


The little girl was laying face down on the pavement...and...she wasn't moving.


Fearing the worst, I walked to her. Small and shaky steps. My breath was getting caught in my throat. My chest, it started to get this sinking feeling. The blood within me, flushed away from my skin as paleness dawned on my external being. With each and every step, my emotions grew more paralyzed and only "fear" was present.


My soul knew.


{I couldn't help the fourth person I had found}


The girl with the red coat. Then one Yuno and I thought we saved.


I stood over the little girls body and...I fell to my knees in disbelief.


When I last saw her, she wore white stockings with little black shoes, and the this red peacoat. She had her beautiful red thick wavy hair in two half up pigtails with black bows tied onto them. Her hair flowed smoothly over her shoulder which now slumped all around the floor.


Swallowing hard, I shakingly reached over to her. When my hand made contact with her dense shoulder, I gently turned her over and...everything stopped.





The innocently cute, smiling, brown-eyed child that I thought I saved had her eyes shut as her skin was deathly cold. The skin that use to belong to the warm and pure child has now become a sickly pale color with grim, dark purple lips. The white dress that was covered by their red coat is now wrapped in the crimson color of their blood which came from the gaping hole that the girl had in their torso.


[This poor baby girl. She was brutally killed. She...died alone. All she wanted was to go home to her mother and father. Why?! Why didn't I make sure to take her to her parents?? Why was I weak at the moment she needed me?! Why did I let the fucking creature get the best of me and not allow me to accomplish this little girl's request?? Because I was weak, Yuno focussed on me and not the little girl. How could I be so selfish! I-I-I...I didn't even get her name! How pathetic of me to not even know this precious girl's name!]


I started to get emotional as I reached for a strand of hair that lay softly on her face.


[What ran through her mind at her final moment? Did she yell out for help? Did she scream for her mom and dad?...This poor child fell victim to an attack that we have no clue was about.]


Tears fell just thinking about the girl's thought process in her final moments. My breathing became difficult to control and I clenched my teeth in frustration. Sniffling aggressively, whimpers escaped my mouth and my body trembled from the adrenaline that surged through my veins. I squeezed my hands shut as my nails dug into my skin and blood oozed out my fingers.


After a few moments, I let go of all the intense pressure of my body.


I just cried as I hugged the red coat.


[My magic. It can't bring back the dead. Maybe, if I found her sooner, I could've saved her....I Could've Saved Her!...I COULD'VE SAVED HER!!]


???: *concerned voice* Vannellope?


I didn't look up and just stared at the ground. Stunned.


[How can I face Asta after the results of my weakness? How can I face anyone? This red coated girl, is dead, because of me.]


Asta: *scared* she...?


I didn't respond but Asta took the hint.


He fell to his knees beside me as he too couldn't believe what he saw. I can hear Asta's breathing become uneasy and shaky. I ever so slowly started to loosen my hug on the coat. With both my hands, I gripped the shoulders of the coat and cautiously ran the red coat over the now precious corpse of the little girl. Asta and I sat there as we both mourned for the nameless child whom now was covered by the sun's rays.


This is the dark side of being a magic knight. We focused so much on being knights and becoming the Wizard King that we didn't realized that things like death, loss, and misfortune were inevitable.


We were naive. 

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