Chapter 49: This Shit Again?!

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Asta: *towards me* This "Distinguish Service Ceremony" seems kinda fancy, don't you think?

Me: *responding* Yeah it does. I wonder what magic knights we will meet?

Asta: *beams* I bet there'll be a bunch of captains!

Me: and high ranked mages.

I gulped in sheer nervousness thinking about everyone whom I have to surpass other than Asta and Yuno.

[I'm pretty anxious. Who could possibly be here? I mean, did we really do anything special? Do we really deserve this? Or does the Wizard King want to use us to prove something? But what would he want to prove?]

As we followed Uncle Julius to these gigantic lavish doors, we came to a halt as he spoke while turning to face us.

Julius: Here we are. *opens doors* The question now is, can you achieve better results than these have?

I raised an eyebrow not knowing what the Wizard King meant while Yuno and Asta exchanged looks with one another. When the doors began to open up more, a bright and blinding light over flowed our silhouettes as we covered our eyes. In just that moment...we uncovered our eyes and the enormous room revealed everyone inside. A few faces I recognize but there were plenty of faces that were quite new to me. The Wizard King went up front of the room as the individuals inside gave the Clover Salute. Once Julius reached the wooden podium, he happily announced,

Julius: Alright, let's now begin the Distinguish Service Ceremony.

While the Wizard King was ready to give out the awards to those whom have proven their strength and dedication to their positions as knights, Klaus came to his own understanding that he should take charge of us on how we "stood". One by one, Klaus moved us in a straight line by one another. I found it super cute that he decided to have Asta stand next to him as he told Asta to be on his best behavior. I leaned over to Mimosa and whispered,

Me: How adorable is Klaus to have Asta next to him.

Mimosa: *whispers back* That's Mother-Klaus for you.

We started giggling when Klaus peeked over and hushed us down. We gained our composure and looked ahead while we all stood in the way back by the doors. While the ceremony began and continued to go on, I began to notice that some of these mages have similar elemental magic as I did like Earth and Fire magic.

[Maybe I can use this to my advantage and get some pointers from these knights so I can perfect my own abilities.]

Julius: *calling* Solid Silva of the Silver Eagles...

[Silva? That's Noelle's last name. Could they be related?...Come to think of it, Nozel does have a striking resemblance to Noelle as well as another female here with the same Silver Eagles cloak.]

Curiosity filled my brain as I then leaned over to Noelle and asked quietly,

Me: Are you related to that guy who Uncle Julius just called?

Noelle didn't seem like she wanted to answer but she sighed and said,

Noelle: Unfortunately he his. *points* She's also my older sister as well as the Captain Of the Silver Eagles.

Me: But why "unfortunately"? Isn't it great to have an older brother as Captain?

Noelle: It's sort of a long story. Maybe one day, I'll be able to tell you.

Before I could respond, a couple of names were called from the Golden Dawn. I made an annoyed face when I heard Alecdora's name being called.

[Wooooow Greeeaaattt....Alecdora got a damn award. This is only going to make his "head bigger" and worsen his attitude towards Yuno and I. Honestly, I feel it'll actually get seriously worse towards Yuno. Alecdora has always seemed to have something so viciously bad towards Yuno. Like every time he passes Yuno, he always has to shove him out the way. I called him out for it once but Yuno stopped me and had said it wasn't worth my time which made Alecdora furious but we went on with our day.]

Together We Make A Clover.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora